Yearly Archives: 2009

Federal Government Wrestles With Crowdsourcing Problems

Posted by Mitch Wagner on September 22, 2009 01:06 PM in Information Week The problem with letting everybody contribute ideas to an open forum is that everybody does. White House-led open government initiatives are learning that lesson, as forums set up to let American citizens contribute suggestions for government actions are being hijacked by potheads,Read… Read more »

$100bn a year for climate safety

From BBC News … By Richard Black Environment correspondent, BBC News website Adapting to impacts of climate change will cost $75-100bn (£47-63bn) per year in the developing world from 2010, a World Bank study concludes. The bank released preliminary findings from its new global study at the latest round of UN climate talks in Bangkok.Read… Read more »

Federal Eye: Eye Opener: Attacks on Federal Employees

Happy Wednesday! Local, state and federal officials continue to investigate the death of Census Bureau employee William Sparkman, 51, found dead on Sept. 12 in the Daniel Boone National Forest. Sparkman’s son Josh has told the AP that he’s frustrated with the slow pace of the investigation. Police and FBI searched Sparkman’s home, but haveRead… Read more »

Listen-Focus-Act on National Health Reform

Behavioral Healthcare Issue Date: Online Exclusive, Online Exclusive Listen-Focus-Act now for national health reform! Three ways you can impact, influence Congressional action Ron Manderscheid, PhD, SRA International and Editorial Board Member As Congress enters the final stages in preparation of national health reform legislation, it is imperative that we not become “sheeple”—people who behave likeRead… Read more »

Have you heard about the Fed Wave?

Federal Wave is a multi-agency exploration into Google’s new Wave platform. You and your organization are very much invited to participate. Besides the Federal Wave Wiki page, another good place to touch down and discuss things is on Synchronicity. Although there are plenty of Wave-related documents on Intellipedia today (see the links section below), theRead… Read more »

“Why Manage Your Records Project? – ARMA Gaithersburg Dinner Meeting

Guest Speaker, Jeff Pierantozzi, CRM, PMP, October 8, 2009, 6 to 9PM, Silver Spring, MD, Eggspectation,923 Ellsworth Dr, Silver Spring, MD 20910-4402 This interactive discussion is formed around a case study that assesses records policies and procedures in preparation for implementing an effective Electronic Records and Electronic Content Management solution – key ingredient to informationRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Federal Employee Health Care Costs to Jump 8.8%

Federal government employees enrolled in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program will pay an average 8.8 percent more in health-care costs in 2010, according to figures released Tuesday by the Office of Personnel Management. The increase equals an average $5.98 increase per pay check for someone with individual health-care coverage, and an average $12.87 increaseRead… Read more »

Does Diversity Help Baseball Teams Win Games? Rutgers-Camden Management Scholar Seeks an Answer

A recent Rutgers research study has identified a new twist in the science behind diversity. Researchers have determined based on analysis of Major League baseball demographic data that winning baseball teams have what are known as “demographic faultlines”. In my Diversity2.0 language these are known as “cliques.” What the researchers found was that to attractRead… Read more »