Yearly Archives: 2009

City hall of Fortaleza and the Virtual Community of the Legislative – Interlegis

The Indication as finalist in IT Leaders 2009 of Computerworld of Brazil, was prominence these days in the Virtual Community of the Legislative. Interlegis is a program developed by the Federal Senate, in partnership with the Interamerican Bank of Development (BID), of modernization and integration of the Legislative Power in your levels federal, stateRead… Read more »

Top, Pullback, or Correction?

Good morning! It’s your govloop weekly dose of TSP Talk. This market commentary is updated daily on Friday was a pretty volatile day for stocks as the indices closed lower but they were up as late as 3:00 PM. The Dow shed 42-points, and all of that came after it scratched its way backRead… Read more »

GovLoop Graduation to Full-Time

Today is a big day for GovLoop. I kind of feel like it is high school graduation. GovLoop has been my passion and my hobby for nearly 1.5 years. Now, I’ve found an exciting way to go full time with GovLoop so I can give this community the focus it deserves. I’ve linked up withRead… Read more »

OpenNASA v2.0: An OpenSource/OpenSocial portal for the Federal Community Cloud

Here is a link to my slideshare presentation: It would be quite wonderful to partner with other Federal Agencies to build a suite of opensocial portals, i.e., OpenNASA, OpenEPA, OpenDHS, OpenNIH, etc. Come find me on GovLoop if you’re interested in seeing a demo or getting an overview of our work in progress… SeeRead… Read more »

Story Request, News of the Wild and Managing Critical Aggressor Article

Hi, A colleague/friend and I are thinking about ways of expanding a “psychohumor” message through various media, including training videos, new/social media outlets, TV and who knows whatever other media mutations will be spawned by the time you read this email. [Hey, I just was informed that my words have made it to Iraq. (TheRead… Read more »

Open Source Software Testing Tools to Test Cloud Computing Applications

New Open Source Testing Tools are emerging that will deploy, manage and test the latest Cloud Computing Software applications. With its dynamic scalablity, flexibility and virtualized resources are provided as a service, Cloud Computing is seen as the dawn of a new era for application services and has received its fair share of plaudits. WithRead… Read more »

PayPal still thinks Africa is the ‘dark continent’

Image via Wikipedia I just got an email from a friend in Austria. Inspired by a post on LGBT Asylum News he wanted to make a donation to the Sex Workers Outreach Program (SWOP) in Nairobi. The people there are wonderful, and intelligent, and courageous and open-minded people indeed, and they deserve our help andRead… Read more »