Yearly Archives: 2009

“Suspend Disbelief”

Your government agency may have embarked upon a journey to improve customer service in the development processing system. A number of significant changes may be anticipated, including a more co-located “one-stop” development services center, shifting to a project-oriented approach when processing applications, and an enhanced information technology and communication system. Can these changes happen? TheyRead… Read more »

Surveying Your Customers

Surveying your customers is likely one of the most important things you can embark upon in the development processing system. Customers can be brutally honest if the survey process is confidential and timely. However their feedback often provides clarity on priorities for improvements, bottleneck areas, and generally gives a snapshot about frustrations they have experienced.Read… Read more »

Growing staffing firm is looking to expand it’s government contracts.

Results Staffing Services, LLC (Results), is a premier resource for your contract and project staffing requirements. Headquartered in Atlanta, GA, by renowned management consultant Mr. Lorentine Green, Results was created to provide Government and private sector agencies with a single source for highly qualified and capable professionals to fill all their staffing requirements. Rapidly growingRead… Read more »

Medical Coding Resources at the National Library of Medicine® (NLM®)

The National Library of Medicine (NLM) responds to more than 100,000 questions each year. Regularly asked questions become Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). NLM Reference and Consumer Health FAQs are at We review and update our FAQs frequently. The FAQ resources include national and international government agencies and non-profit organizations. One of our FAQs isRead… Read more »

Call for Speakers! Social Media for Government Conference – – March 22-25, 2010

Social Media for Government: How To Engage Your Employees And Citizens By Using The Latest Web 2.0 Technologies To Drive Communication Results March 22-25, 2010 ~ Location: TBD (most likely Dallas or Phoenix) Organized by the Advanced Learning Institute Please contact Amy Gerstein at [email protected] or 773-695-9400 x20 Speaker referrals, as well as feedbackRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Berry: Teleworking Sales Pitch Needs Work

How’s this for good timing: On a day when Washington-area commuters experienced 20-mile backups in Northern Virginia and downtown road closures due to a suspicious package, hundreds of federal managers and employees met at the Ronald Reagan building to talk about teleworking. Speaking at the Telework Exchange Town Hall Meeting, Office of Personnel Management DirectorRead… Read more »

Research Forum /Patient Information and Feedback Portal

I am exploring the creation of an amputee-specific (and probably upper/lower-specific) patient/researcher portal within the DoD and VA through which patients could be informed about, help comment on and even participate in current prosthetic research. While I am particularly interested in prosthetic arms, this idea could certainly apply to the meta problem of multi-agency researchRead… Read more »


Cutting your resume down to size may be as painful as cutting off your baby toe for some…but in today’s world shorter is better It’s a fact that corporate resumes should be no longer than two pages long for people with a lifetime of experience. Remember an employer only wants to see the last tenRead… Read more »