Yearly Archives: 2009


Writing an Executive Summary An employer’s attention span could be limited to 30 seconds at least that’s what recruiting experts tell us. Every executive resume should have a summary that introduces the applicant and provides a quick snapshot of a job candidate’s background. A potential boss may have the perfect candidate in mind. Most likelyRead… Read more »

I had a great day

I had a great day because the folks I work with listened to what I had to say about transparency and Gov 2.0. I expect they’ll be checking out GovLoop and reading this post. That will be a very fine thing. We have a great group of people looking for ways to communicate and buildRead… Read more »

UPDATE: Live Tweet Chat on Coast Impacts of Hurricanes and Extreme Storms

UPDATE (Sept 23, 2009): We did an interview with Federal News Radio (Chris Dorobek and Amy Morris — thanks you two!) on our experience with the first @USGS Twitter Chat. Overall, our experience with the Twitter chat went well. We had a lot of retweeting of the planned chat well before it occurred which ledRead… Read more »

Transport Data Exchange Programme – An OOOG Rating

Originally published here While we’re still waiting with bated breath for the details of the NSW Governments Apps4NSW competition, it appears that the NSW Government has released the first Dataset for third party use. The Transport Data Exchange Programme is a programme to allow third party developers to build applications based on the Timetable andRead… Read more »

From Australia, An E-Participatory Budgeting Experiment

The government of the Australian state of New South Wales (NSW), in an attempt to mitigate the effects of the economic downturn and stimulate local economies, has allocated the equivalent of US$30 million to the Community Building Partnership program. Aiming to support local jobs, stimulate growth and improve community facilities, the program allocates between US$260,000Read… Read more »

CMAP: A new leadership program designed for you (Federal News Radio)

Some government programs fail simply because they’re not managed well. Two institutions are trying to change that. Georgetown University and Booz Allen Hamilton are teaming up to create a customized Change Management Advanced Practitioner (CMAP) program. Maria Darby is a Change Management Advanced Practitioner Expert and a Vice President with Booz Allen Hamilton. She tellsRead… Read more »

Okay, Lets Be Fair

Last week I tweaked Rep. Brady and his Texas Tea Partiers for whining about the lack of Government services for their protest against the Government in Washington DC. This week I’ll target the Massachusetts effort to change the law on their Governor appointing a successor to a congressional or senatorial vacancy. When Senator Kerry ranRead… Read more »

Technical note: Making Sense of Gov2.0

Information technology (IT) is central to Gov 2.0, both as a platform for government operations and to provide channels for government internal and public communications. The Internet — the Web in particular, both the static first-generation Web and its reconceptualization as Web 2.0 — is likewise central to nearly every element of modern IT. InternetRead… Read more »

GovLoop Project of the Week – Gov 2.0 University

This week we feature Gov 2.0 University. While social media/web 2.0 are far from new, it is for many Government leaders who struggle trying to understand what it all means and how they can implement it into their business structure and processes. Gov 2.0 University exists to “help government leaders successfully apply Web 2.0 technologiesRead… Read more »