Yearly Archives: 2009

Annual Human Services Conference

The National Organization for Human Services (NOHS): The field of Human Services is broadly defined, uniquely approaching the objective of meeting human needs through an interdisciplinary knowledge base, focusing on prevention as well as remediation of problems, and maintaining a commitment to improving the overall quality of life of service populations. This year the AnnualRead… Read more »

Postscript: Lessons from the great 2009 Birmingham City Council website disaster

The fallout from the relaunch of Birmingham City council’s website (#bccwebsite) has continued, not just online but in the local press as well thanks to the strong interest of Birmingham Post Editor Marc Reeves. It’s not a coincidence that the Post has a ‘web 2.0’ site and in its reporting about #bccwebsite has even includedRead… Read more »

ARRA Transparency: High National Expectations Meet State and Local Fiscal Realities

Thursday, September 24, 2009 3:15 pm with check in beginning at 3:00 pm Washington Marriott Hotel 1221 22nd St NW; Washington, DC This event is FREE for AABPA members, but requires advance registration by September 18 (Non-members may attend by registering for the accompanying ABFM conference.) RSVP at The session will be hosted byRead… Read more »

Come Together: Our Need to Cooperate for Coordination

One of the creations of a cultural leader is the creation of coordination or synchronization within an organization. In other words, in effective organizations the left hand knows what the right hand is doing. This is also what we call Unison. But, that is a conversation for another time. This article in Scientific American isRead… Read more »

Word Cloud from Gov 2.0 Summit Notes

I was trying to summarize my eight pages of notes from the Gov 2.0 Summit this week and decided to put them into a word cloud. Here’s the link if anyone’s interested:

140 Characters of Crap: The Sophisticated Rise of Social Engineering on Twitter

Anybody that uses Twitter on a regular basis know that there are a lot of junk posts and meaningless content. There have even been studies done recently that categorized the type of posts and found that the majority wasn’t very “news worthy” to say the least. Yet there were some meaningful tweets, I have foundRead… Read more »

Buried Prejudice: The Bigot in Your Brain…

One of the aspects of Diversity2.0 is the focus unconscious biases as a universal condition that all of us are prone. The article in the Scientific American, “Buried Prejudice: The Bigot in Your Brain” is a well written piece that describes in detail how the natural condition of human beings is to unconsciously discriminate againstRead… Read more »

Diversity In Primary Schools Promotes Harmony, Study Finds

For the first time, children as young as 5 have been shown to understand issues regarding integration and separation. The research confirms that the ethnic composition of primary schools has a direct impact on children’s attitudes towards those in other ethnic groups and on their ability to get on with their peers. Obviously, starting kidsRead… Read more »

IT for Municipalities of 100 thousand citizens or less in México (IN SPANISH – EN ESPAÑOL)

TIC para municipios de 100mil hab o menospubweb.pdf This presentation was writen and presented in the congress “Foro de innovación y modernización Gubernamental 2009” 10 y 11 de agosto 2009 Ciudad de México. Trata acerca de la situación de “TIC de los municipios de 100 mil habitantes o menos en México” y de los espejismosRead… Read more »