Yearly Archives: 2009

Work Force Composition

SUSPECT that although this study was done rather globally that the numbers are fairly close if one was limit the research to government employees.. ASSUMING that this study has at least some relevance for the government community would offer that there MIGHT be more than a casual impact on both implementation the “new government/Gov 2.0”Read… Read more »

Keep America Working

Originally posted to Unleash the Monster Americans today are struggling to secure jobs and employers face similar challenges in attracting the right candidates needed to meet current job demands. This is why has initiated the national Keep America Working career fair which is visiting US cities throughout the year to bring together employers andRead… Read more »

Late-summer phantoms are just mirages

BEHAVIORAL HEALTHCARE Issue Date: September 2009, Online Exclusive Late-summer phantoms are just mirages Let’s put to rest the fears stoked by our nation’s very hot health reform debate by Ron Manderscheid, PhD, Editorial Board Member One need only see a few moments of the sharply differing partisan reactions to President Obama’s healthcare address to CongressRead… Read more »

The Crib Note Cram on Health Care Reform – What is getting lost in the Haze.

The Crib Note Cram on Health care Reform In our current world, political realities require a simple, 3-second sound bite solution for even the most complex problems. I consistently talk of the need for an 8th Grade solution to a graduate school problem if a solution is to be politically viable. If it were notRead… Read more »

Health Care: Shouldn’t everyone have what we have?

Single Payer. Public Option. Private insurance and free markets. It’s pretty hard to make sense of the health care debate sometimes. Especially when the public “discussion” doesn’t even deal with facts. (Don’t worry, I’m not going to get into a debate on all that here). Those of you who’ve read my past blogs know myRead… Read more »

What do Successful Startups Have in Common?

What do successful startups have in common? According to Eric Reiss, it’s not necessarily the great ideas of their founders. Rather, it is their “pivot”, or their ability to change direction in response to feedback on the initial idea. The pivot is a systematic way to keep one foot rooted in what was learned, butRead… Read more »

Case Study on Military Health Care Social Media Portal

I’m listening to Booz Allen Hamilton consultants Grant McLaughlin and Walton Smith discuss social media case studies. One fascinating example is called, a one-stop social media portal where military health care groups, including Tricare, drive into it. America’s Military Health System is a unique partnership of medical educators, medical researchers, and health care providersRead… Read more »