Yearly Archives: 2009

Jobs report rally, post Labor Day issues

Good morning! It’s your weekly dose of TSP Talk. This market commentary is updated daily on Stocks rallied nicely on Friday after a mixed jobs report. The Dow jumped 97-points and the TSP stock funds were up 1.3% to 1.8%. The bond fund was down 0.3%. The number of jobs lost in August wasRead… Read more »

Fear the Google, don’t fear the Google

I came back from a break to the missed news that Google has settled out of court in its clash with US Publishers over its Google Books project. Looking over last Friday’s news coverage in the UK what immediately struck me as someone who has an interest in the story was the repetition that GoogleRead… Read more »

When things are broken… A CALL FOR LEADERSHIP

The hatred and disrespect surfacing in the debate about health care reform and education and other discussions in recent days has gone wild. Much of it isn’t about these topics, but something more disturbing — a real contempt for others — an unwillingness to consider anything new and different. I keep wondering how our childrenRead… Read more »

Leveraging Web 2.0 in Government

I should go through my bookshelves more often! This weekend, while sorting and thinking, I rediscovered a hard copy of the IBM Center for the Business of Government’s Fall/Winter 2008 publication. One of the articles jumped out at me: Leveraging Web 2.0 in Government, by Ai-Mei Chang and P.K. Kannan. Chang is Professor of SystemsRead… Read more »

The future of the work/life balance – What we can learn from the”The Wild Thornsberrys”

I commented on a statement given by Jerry – It is located here HI Jerry, Great Post. As for the secretary. You could! There are tons of companies right now on the internet, and even personal people, who have your “virtual” 1-800 number forwarded to anyone you want. For instance, my sister, who livesRead… Read more »

The more things change the more they stay the same

Or another title might be “Nothing new under the sun?!” or “been there done that” From the Business of Government blog Lessons of Reinvention By John Kamensky Govloop Profile Sixteen years ago today Vice President Gore presented the first report of the National NPR 1993 Performance Review to President Clinton in a ceremony on theRead… Read more »

3-D Group Combat-Intervention at the Burning Out and Burning Up Battlefronts: Using Discussion-Drawing-Diversity to Disarm Conflict and Build Camaraderie-Community

Being a conference or retreat speaker and “Motivational Humorist” sounds like a lot of fun; and it usually is. However, sometimes you are asked to intervene with a group that’s under siege. At these times, the tension and acting out of frustration between management and employees or mistrust within the diverse employee ranks is palpableRead… Read more »