Yearly Archives: 2009

Amver Is Speaking At The Gov 2.0 Expo Showcase

Benjamin Strong, Director of Amver Maritime Relations, will be speaking at the Gov 2.0 Expo Showcase in Washington, DC on September 8, 2009. The topic, Government as a protector, includes examples of how Amver shares vessel data with international rescue coordination centers to help in search and rescue cases. If you have an interest inRead… Read more »

All in Favor of Health Reform, Please Signify…

BHC Features All in Favor of Health Reform, Please Signify… All in Favor of Health Reform, Please Signify… (Scroll to the end of the article to download PDFs of the Whole Health Campaign’s policy briefs on healthcare reform.) By Ron Manderscheid, PhD Global Health and Civil Services Sector SRA International, Inc. Although we are inRead… Read more »

New Orleans City Council Launches Website and Increases Transparency with Live, On-demand, and Searchable Public Meetings

Yesterday, New Orleans City Council launched its redesigned website and NOLA GOV. Online, a technology featuring live and archived streaming video of City Council meetings. NOLA GOV. Online can be accessed through the City Council website at An instrumental part of their website redesign project was the launch of a new transparency tool:Read… Read more »

Get a $2,000 Raise! Telework.

Originally published at the GenerationShift blog Results from Virginia’s Telework Day were released this week. Some of the statistics that stood out: – Teleworking one day per week equates to a $2,000 raise for each employee – 69% of participants indicated that they accomplished more while teleworking – If all interested employees engaged in telework,Read… Read more »

Engaging the public in policy using blogs as discussion forums

I work at the US Environmental Protection Agency, and we’re trying out some old tools in new ways. Currently, our enforcement office is using two blogs to post concepts and then taking comments from anyone who wants to join in. 1) Setting environmental enforcement priorities 2) Establishing a plan to improve enforcement of the CleanRead… Read more »

Free Webinar: Harvard Kennedy School – Ash Institute for Democratic Governance and Innovation – Government Innovators Network

Check out this page: “A Dialogue with the Drug Czar: Crafting the Obama Drug Strategy” September 10, 2009; 6-7 pm (EDT) ~Webinar. Registration required, and free of charge.~ This online event, sponsored by the Harvard Kenned School and the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP), offers a unique chance to share your ideas thatRead… Read more »

Does HTML 5 Contain a Show Stopper for 508 Compliance?

We have an internal discussion forum at USGS where many of the developers from across the organization discuss web related issues, templates, etc. Today someone posted a topic on HTML and the transition from XHTML (since that’s what many people were told to do years ago). However, as I was offering some information on HTMLRead… Read more »