Yearly Archives: 2010

GovUp Huntsville

The Huntsville GovUp was small but very VERY cool! We had people from NASA, OPM, DOD, GSA, among other agencies and everyone was able to ask questions and get to know each other. Our speaker Kevin Jones talked about, a new Enterprise 2.0 feature inside NASA Marshall. The feature is like NASA’s own facebook.Read… Read more »

10 reasons why online social media are critical to democratic governance (pt. 2)

Yesterday, I posted the first five of 10 reasons why the Web and particularly Web 2.0, also known as social media are critical to sustain and advance democratic governance processes in the United States. Today, I list reasons 6-10. The Web has transformed and continues to transform how government operates, especially in its relationship withRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: Palindrome Issue: 10/01

Gadi Ben-Yehuda I’m feeling Neighborly – a social network in development that is location-based. I’ll be interested to see it in action. Anyone else giving MediaPost, a new aggregator, a try? So far, I’ve found a few articles I might not have read otherwise. Two ways to be wrong about social media. Newsweek’s “The SadRead… Read more »

Week 5 College Football Viewer’s Guide – from the Hokie Guru, Your Bureaucrat on Sports (only on GovLoop)

Happy Friday!! And yes, the federal government is still open… we’re on a continuing resolution. Be ready for an epic blog post. Bowl Championship Series (BCS) Bowls Meet Al Capone? Most of us feel bad for the little guy, Boise State. Fact is, they are one of the best teams in the country and deserveRead… Read more »

What Can YOU Do?

Today kickoffs off National Disability Employment Awareness Month. When it comes to doing business, including people with disabilities—in recruitment, retention and advancement—offers the workplace a competitive edge. People with disabilities are known to be experienced problem solvers with a proven ability to adapt. What’s more, they mirror an important and increasingly expanding customer base. TheRead… Read more »

Open data podcast

In this podcast I chat to Tim Davies of Practical Participation about open data in the UK and his research into the subject. Download the mp3 or subscribe in iTunes – or the original post with a flash audio player is here. Hope it’s useful!

Forum wrap: Social media – maximising opportunities and minimising risks

The Victorian Managed Insurance Authority held a successful forum for the Victorian Public Sector on the maximising the opportunities and minimising the risks of social media. Attended by 200 people, the forum featured three speakers:• Kathy Phelan – Director, Small World Social Media• Greg Daniel – Executive Chairman, SR7• Maria Katsonis – Principal Advisor PublicRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Radio Hot Links – October 1, 2010

Putting on a mask through Election Day … Steve Henn: No political ‘Promoted’ tweets and trends this election season Doc Gurley: Are you in Crisis mode yet? Why not? Sharon Gaudin: In Schmidt’s vision, Google will search before you even ask David Forbes: Of revolts and social media Marc Drummond: NAGW 2010 – Adriel Hampton,Read… Read more »

GovLaunch – Introducing New Fairfax County News/Engagement Website

Hi everyone, Just wanted to drop by and mention today’s launch of a new local government news/engagement website that I’ve been developing and thinking about for some time. In Fairfax County, our news lived in silos by department or other organizational boundaries. Social media sites existed, but often separate from news delivery and conversation. WeRead… Read more »

New2Gov: One Site to Rule Them All

Ever since joining up with GovLoop in April I’ve continually heard gripes about .gov sites. The crazy thing is most of the complaints are uniform across the board: the search suck, it looks like crap, there is no user interface… ect. I think we are all in agreement that .gov sites as a whole aren’tRead… Read more »