Yearly Archives: 2010

Could Enterprise 2.0 Have Prevented Apollo 13?

“Houston, we have a problem…” While many now consider the determination and ingenuity displayed during the rescue of the Apollo 13 astronauts to be one of NASA’s finest hours, could it have been prevented altogether if NASA had had the benefits of the type of robust internal social network made possible by today’s technology? TheRead… Read more »

Dear Mom and Dad: Having Fun at Camp CFC

Dear Mom and Dad, I am having a “Wonderful Time” at Camp CFC! The counselors are nice…and the food is “great”! This is the “best adventure” that I’ve had in a long time! We are all having an “awesome” time!!! I like everybody…and everybody likes me!!! All of us have been placed on “teams”…there isRead… Read more »

When Government Agencies Meet Caring Celebrities

Yesterday, I published an article called Networked Nonprofits: The Eva Longoria Case Study on the new SECTOR: PUBLIC blog. The post is about a recent, massive use of social media by celebrities to raise $540,000 for a Haitian orphanage. While certainly “good” was done, there are also questions about how much tweeting about a causeRead… Read more »

Space logistics and replenishment of diminishing nonrenewables

“. . . nor can we consume the world’s resources without regard to effect. For the world has changed, and we must change with it.” (President Barack Obama President, The United States of America, Inaugural Address, January. 20, 2009) ~~~~~ Space and Nonrenewable Resources:yes””> One of my post-retirement writing experiments in the late 70’s wasRead… Read more »

Nominate an Unsung Hero Today!

Dear Concerned Citizen, During these tough economic times, it is essential that we strive to be a part of the solution to the challenges many face and to help make America great by serving in our communities.. As members of the DC community, we are fortunate to have countless examples of public servants who workRead… Read more »