Yearly Archives: 2010

An Interviewer’s Guide to Job Interviewing

People who interview jobseekers for a living are usually NOT included in the group that makes employment decisions. That’s unfortunate since they are also the people who tend to have the expertise to spot prevaricators! On the plus side, the people who do make hiring decisions are people who are skilled in the technical aspectsRead… Read more »

Ogilvy Gov 2.0 Conference

The scene, Ogvily’s chic D.C. offices, with all of the minimalistic sheen one would expect from the PR firm. The topic of discussion, the validity, the nature and the future of Gov 2.0 from multiple angles. The event wasn’t created with the intention of reaching a consensus, with creating a plan of action to moveRead… Read more »

When NOT to Take the Lead: Partnering with Academia to Solve Our Nation’s Problems

It’s been over a month since my last posting on my featured jennovation series on Govloop and the Phase One Consulting Group (POCG) Transformation in the Federal Sector Blog, but for good reason. It’s been a busy Fall season on many fronts: POCG’s Growing Open Gov and Innovation Team: POCG has recently hired two rockRead… Read more »

Collect and Organize Job Applicants with OFCCP Compliant Application Tracking Software

Everyone will agree, one of the keys to running a successful corporate recruiting program is to stay organized. In today’s world, where applicants can easily apply to hundreds of openings with a few mouse clicks and each job attracts hundreds of candidates, keeping track of everyone, especially those diamonds in the rough is a realRead… Read more »

My thoughts on the BlackBerry Playbook

BlackBerry teased the world with its Playbook offering yesterday and the geek world exploded between hails of “the iPad Killer hath arrived” to “meh”. BlackBerry has made some interesting choices with the Playbook. My personal thought is that in the end, the design by committee approach won over the hard core fanatics within Blackberry. TheRead… Read more »

How to Calculate the High-Three Average Salary

Everybody knows what the high-three is – right? – but who knows how to calculate the high-three? Definition. The high-three is the highest average salary obtained by averaging an employee’s salary over a consecutive 36-month period, with each salary weighted for the time it was in effect. In calculating the high-three, use basic salary only,Read… Read more »

Closing Notes on NAGW’s 2010 National Conference

I’m back in my office after another successful NAGW conference. I’m tired, hopeful and excited. Tired because planning and executing a national conference is a lot of work! Hopeful because I met a lot of great government web people who are passionate about what they do; and excited because this year’s speakers challenged our sometimesRead… Read more »