Yearly Archives: 2010

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

I’m speaking to you as a Survivor, something I never thought I would be but I’m proud to say it and I want everyone to remember that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Sure, we make jokes about “saving the Ta-Ta’s” and “yeah, I check my wife’s all the time” but let’s get serious forRead… Read more »

The Alternative Bid – Dillemma or not?

An interesting article from a construction industry magazine is quoted below. It’s a tricky subject for govenment agencies. As a consultant who provides software solutions to manage these types of public bid issues, i’m interested in your experience and opinion with this issue. Thanks. ———————-article—————————- Alternative Bidding: Wise Budget Management or Manipulation? Alternative bidding isRead… Read more »

Great-grandpa stories, stuff and such for all ages

I posted the last update to my ‘grandpa’ — now ‘great-grandpa’– stories in July, 2009. The first, an all-thumbs illustrated paper edition, was in 1987, the second in 1992, also paper, unillustrated, followed by the Gutenberg Archive Edition in 2000 at and now the last, ‘Grandma! Grandpa! You’re Too Far Away!’ a copy freelyRead… Read more »

GovLoop on HuffPo: When You Need Your Government Right Now

Below is the introduction to GovLoop’s latest post on the Huffington Post: Back in November 2009, Ellen Miller of the Sunlight Foundation wrote here on The Huffington Post about “Envisioning a Real-Time Government.” Here’s a quick excerpt: Imagine a world where the entire influence economy in Washington were available to the public, online and inRead… Read more »

Let’s Work on Columbus Day

*********************************************** Not Yet a Member? JOIN GOVLOOP!(It’s free and takes 30 seconds) ************************************************ If we were analyzing federal holidays in a Six Sigma class, we’d cross off Columbus Day right away. How can the federal government get more bang for its buck? Well, easy…let’s work on Columbus Day. Does this mean eliminating a national holiday?Read… Read more »

Survivor Annuity, Retire Happy, Save a Life – Maybe Your Own, & UPDATES

A soon to be retired fed contacted me last month about an estimate they received from their HR department with a grossly incorrect survivor benefit cost estimate. The employee was advised that a full survivor benefit for their spouse would reduce their monthly benefit by one third! Incorrect high estimates like this can put theRead… Read more »

10/10/10 – One Day, One Way to Get a Glimpse of Earth’s Story

When I was in elementary school, our community renovated the school’s playground. As part of the project, students and their families were asked to share items – newspaper articles, clothing, music, etc. – that would go in a time capsule, which was to be buried underneath the playground. The idea was that someone decades downRead… Read more »

10 Steps to Creating an Online Community – There Aren’t Any

There aren’t any steps. I’ve never really liked “STEPS” lists, because they are too generic (unless you are putting together the Space Shuttle, or something like that). It is as if they will take you to the holy grail. Steps imply that they must be done in order – in sequence. Yet each community isRead… Read more »