Yearly Archives: 2010

Public Participation: Four Common Misconceptions

This is an abbreviated version of an article on the Intellitics blog. Read the full post here: Public Participation: Four Common Misconceptions Based on my observations listening to the discussions around Open Government, the following four aspects of the term public participation tend to get easily and commonly confused: 1) Public participation applies strictly toRead… Read more »

Ask the White House Your Questions about Promise Neighborhoods

Do you want to learn more about what the federal government is doing to support distressed neighborhoods? Today, you have a chance to submit direct questions to federal officials Larkin Tackett (The Department of Education), Luke Tate (the Department of Housing and Urban Development), Thomas Abt (the Department of Justice), and Richard Frank (the DepartmentRead… Read more »

Looks Like You’re a Lightning Rod (Again) This Election Cycle

Lisa Rein of the Washington Post asked GovLoop’ers last week if “Federal salaries are too high.” You gave her a great deal of feedback (37 comments) on her way to writing a story this past Saturday for the Washington Post: Here’s how it starts: From her sixth-floor office at the National Science Foundation inRead… Read more »

Weekly Research and Best Practices

Best Practices 1. GSA Launches (09/21/2010) – New site makes it easy to see the most current government notifications, alerts and to sign up for ongoing updates via email or text message pushed directly to personal computers or mobile device. The site menu provides a live stream of content updates with a Twitter-like searchRead… Read more »

Preparing for a job fair

A job fair is a great place to meet with employers, interact with other job seekers, and to attend career seminars to improve your job search. Some tips on how to make the most of your day: Bring copies of your resume. 30 or more just to be safe. Make sure your resume highlights yourRead… Read more »

Scheming Virtuously: A Handbook for Public Servants

Scheming Virtuously: A Handbook for Public Servants is a tactical guide for any public servant looking to make an impact. It offers practical advice on how to be innovative in the public service while managing your relationships and reputation. Download the whitepaper. I have also traveled all over Canada delivering a live presentation of theRead… Read more »

Process Intelligence Will Help Gov 2.0 Endure

In my last posting I wrote about the advantages of using the Adaptive Project Framework (APF) to deliver Gov 2.0 projects. I argued that Gov 2.0 needs new management methods to take advantage of the new technologies and deliver on the promise of open, transparent, and accountable government. But Gov 2.0 doesn’t stop at theRead… Read more »

Mandatory UnPaid Leave Proposed for Feds

Unemployment is high in America so a bill was introduced by Mike Coffman (R-CO) that could allegedly cut $5.5 billion from the federal budget by requiring two weeks of mandatory unpaid leave for federal employees. H.R. 6134, is a one year measure to reduce federal spending and combat the unsustainable deficit spending in Washington. TheRead… Read more »