Yearly Archives: 2010


GovLoop needs 99 members to hit 35,000! Invite your friends to join! Who is going to be # 35,000??? Exciting. Favorite

Amped for #AMP10

This Friday/Saturday, I’ll be blogging from the official blogger row (I know, so exciting) at the inaugural AMP Summit 2010 – a gathering of thought leaders in Activism + Media + Politics in Washington DC. The mission of AMP Summit is to explore the ongoing, distributed conversation about the people-powered revolution. The speaker lineup looksRead… Read more »

Building great teams

I was listening to the opening keynote speech at the 2010 National Association of Government Webmasters (NAGW) this morning. The keynote speaker, Jared Spool spoke about building great user experiences and much of what he is sharing is relevant to not just design but also to successfully managing change In an organization. Jared has beenRead… Read more »

A fundamental misconception of web analytics

Web Analytics Rock Star Stephane Hamel writes: The Wall Street Journal did a whole series on “What they know”. Online marketers – especially when it comes to ad networks, web analytics and behavioral targeting – are depicted as evil spies and Cookie Monsters. Call it sensationalist, biased or even lies and fallacies; it depicts whatRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Radio Hot Links – September 22, 2010

Manor and Govfresh and NAGW, oh my! Andrea DiMaio: Government 2.0 Requires Perpetual Beta Mike Strand: ‘Stick’ Government Apps: Should Humans Stay in the Information Loop? Tom Raggett: Bringing Real Digital Engagement to the Public Sector Gov 2.0 Radio: Yammer CEO David Sacks on Enterprise Social Networking David Eaves: Getting Government Right Behind the Firewall