Yearly Archives: 2010

Gov 2.0 Radio Hot Links – September 22, 2010

Manor and Govfresh and NAGW, oh my! Andrea DiMaio: Government 2.0 Requires Perpetual Beta Mike Strand: ‘Stick’ Government Apps: Should Humans Stay in the Information Loop? Tom Raggett: Bringing Real Digital Engagement to the Public Sector Gov 2.0 Radio: Yammer CEO David Sacks on Enterprise Social Networking David Eaves: Getting Government Right Behind the Firewall

The New SECTOR: PUBLIC – Smart Opinion On Tech, Innovation, and Public Good

Yesterday during the / UN Foundation “Social Good Summit” in New York, I launched something I’ve been working on for a while behind the scenes at Microsoft’s public sector division. It’s a new website (geeks: WordPress running on Windows Server… and eventually Windows Azure cloud) called SECTOR: PUBLIC. (Get it? Like Mission: Impossible? Hey,Read… Read more »

Introducing You Can’t Be Serious

Hello, GovLoop! I’m excited to start this new column, You Can’t Be Serious, in which I’ll try to answer questions posed by the GovLoop community that stem from their experiences working for, in, or with government agencies. Feel free to send me a message on GovLoop with your thorniest/craziest/facepalm-inducingest work-related conundrum. I can help youRead… Read more »

Two days of interesting sessions at the HCI Government Summit

I am currently at the HCI Government Summit in Reston and so far there has been two days of great content from both industry and government. Saba and Department of Health and Human Services kicked off the conference with the first session yesterday. To get a brief overview of each session visit the HCI GovernmentRead… Read more »

Cyber Vetting for Security Clearances

The Electronic Freedom Foundation recently obtained information under the Freedom of Information Act regarding a June 2009 report of a study sponsored by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) on the use of Cyber Vetting for security clearance purposes. The study involved 349 test cases of intelligence agency applicants who consented toRead… Read more »

Notes from GAO – Challenges in Federal Use of Web 2.0 Technologies

At NAPA Collaboration Project event focused on GAO Report – Challenges in Federal Use of Web 2.0 Technologies Short, easy report – it’s testimony, not a full report -have another ongoing review that is broader Requested by Chaiman Clay, House Subcommittee on Information Policy, Census, and National Archives Objectives-Identify current uses of web 2.0 technologiesRead… Read more »

Ressler’s Rule # 8: You can’t always get what you want but if you try real hard you’ll get what you need (a nod to the “Rolling Stones”) Life tends to be a rocky and twisting road for most of us unless we were born “a fortunate son”. We don’t get the date with theRead… Read more »

How do you recruit Gen Y’s into public service? Success stories?

Do you have any particular ways you recruit Gen Y’s into public service? How about using social media to brand government or interact with employees? Can this be a way to showcase skills of the next wave of government employees? I’m a Ph.D. student in public policy and administration and am working on a paperRead… Read more »