Yearly Archives: 2010

Who I Am Makes A Difference

Want to make a difference in your office, in your circle of friends, or among your acquaintances? This video shows how a few words of encouragement can have a ripple effect. You never know when someoneMay catch a dream from you.You never know when a little wordOr something you may do May open up theRead… Read more »

Leveraging the Real Time Web in Government

I feel fortunate to have the opportunity to speak at the 140conference in Boston today. There are millions of great stories across the world that show the early successes. For those of you that can’t be at today’s event I wanted to share with you the presentation I’ll be using as my “notes”. Today’s attendeesRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Radio Hot Links – September 14, 2010

Growing up and growing out: Rutrell Yasin: 5 ways to use social media for better emergency response Leonard Sipes and Timothy Barnes: Three Years of Social Media – Marketing Lessons Learned Andrea DiMaio: Ohio Governor Shows IT Geopolitics in Action David Eaves: Savings Cities Millions – Introducing Kevin Curry: Why Manor? SFGov: Mayor NewsomRead… Read more »

Three Years of Social Media: Marketing Lessons Learned

Three Years of Social Media: Marketing Lessons Learned By Leonard Sipes and Timothy Barnes This is the seventh article in a series on podcasting and social media. The purpose is to explain social media and to attempt to “cut through the clutter” and offer an understanding of effective methods. We were one of the firstRead… Read more »

The War of Online vs Offline

Originally posted in my series at Huffington Post People love controversy. And people love conflict. It’s often X vs Y. David vs Goliath. Cowboys vs Redskins. I see this often in the new media space as well. Print is dead. Online is king. Traditional in-person meetings are out. Online communities are the future. Well, guessRead… Read more »

First look at Seattle City Council budget consultation

Seattle City Council last week launched a budget consultation for their 2011-2012 budget. I did a quick analysis of their IdeaScale site following this checklist: Is it clear who is the convener? Does it say what the site is about? Does the site educate participants about the issue at hand? Is the promise to theRead… Read more »

GovLoop Interview on Federal News Radio

I was on Federal News Radio a few weeks back talking social networking with Mark Amtower. Thought others might enjoy Steve Ressler, president and founder, GovLoop Click to hear the interview Download mp3 September 6 and 13, 2010 — Amtower interviews GovLoop founder and president Steve Ressler on all things social networking. Topics include earlyRead… Read more »

Weekly Research and Best Practices

Research 1. Social Media and Public Sector Policy Dilemmas (08/2010) -Comprehensive report by the Institute of Public Administration of Canada discusses impediments to government use of social media. Topics include access to information, security, leadership, records retention, privacy, and the need for a culture of trust. 2. Does civic engagement make a difference? (06/2010)Read… Read more »