Yearly Archives: 2010

Do You Have What it Takes to Change Government and Create Gov 2.0?

As I’ve said many times before, Government 2.0 isn’t about technology, but what that technology enables. When the TSA rolls out an initiative like the IdeaFactory, developing and implementing the technology is the easy part (disclosure: my company has supported the IdeaFactory project). When the GSA implements the Better Buy Project, getting UserVoice up andRead… Read more »

Have you met Mr. Diplopedia?

It’s easy to convince our social media gurus to contribute to the State Department wiki, but what about those State Department Employees that aren’t so keen on sharing their hard earned knowledge and expertise. How do we get them to understand the versatility of a wiki platform, and not just pass it off as aRead… Read more »

As We Do What’s Exciting, Let’s Not Forget What’s Important

Improving government’s customer service means constantly looking for new ways to do things, seizing new technologies, and experimenting. All good. But as we do what’s exciting and new, let’s not forget that we also need to do what’s important. Like implementing all the laws, regulations, and requirements already in place, for government websites. A littleRead… Read more »

Yu on Bringing Open Government to Courts

An interview has been posted with Harlan Yu of the Princeton University Center for Information Technology Policy (CITP), about the development of RECAP, the controversy over charging fees for access to court records through PACER, privacy respecting court records, the legal open government data project, Mr. Yu’s Ph.D. research, and his presentation entitled GovernmentRead… Read more »

ECM – Past, Present and Future

I wanted to share with you a recent blog post by AIIM’s President, John Mancini taken from the AIIM Enterprise 2.0 community; I recently helped a company with a webinar in which they asked me to think about how the ECM industry has changed over the past 5 years and how I saw it changingRead… Read more »

Christians In Government -Where Is The CrowdSourcing Tool We Need To Stop QURAN Burning?

We’ll I can only say that there is a lot for Christians to talk about today at the water cooler. Whether it’s the Islamic Center, or the ridiculous move to hold a public burning of the Koran, people of all Faith’s probably have a lot on their mind after last night’s interviews by Soledad O’Brien.Read… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Radio Hot Links – September 9, 2010

Should it stay or should it go? David Eaves: The Challenge of Open Data and Metrics and An Interview with Alex Howard Andrea DiMaio: Why We Must Get Rid of Open Government John Moore: The Missing Links of Government 2.0 Gadi Ben-Yehuda: Becoming Citizen 2.0 – Step One, Consumer Chris Amico: Gov 2.0 – Challenge.govRead… Read more »

The Challenge of Open Data and Metrics

One promise of open data is its ability to inform citizens and consumers about the quality of local services. At the Gov 2.0 Summit yesterday the US Department of Health and Human Resources announced it was releasing data on hospitals, nursing homes and clinics in the hopes that developers will create applications that show citizensRead… Read more »