Yearly Archives: 2010

Battle of Wits — Asking the right questions during an interview

You’ve done your resume, connected through networking, submitted the application, made it through the phone screening, through the security scan and are finally in the interview! In “Princess Bride” terms, you have crossed the ocean, climbed the really, really long rope up the cliff, bested the giant, overcome Inigo Montoya’s swordsmanship (and conversation!), and areRead… Read more »

Project of the Week:

1. What is and what was the impetus for the project? is a platform which allows federal agencies to post challenges, and at the same time, allows the public to find challenges. The impetus: In a March 8, 2010 memorandum, OMB Deputy Director for Management Jeffrey Zients provided legal guidance on the use ofRead… Read more »

It’s Cloudy in L.A. (#g2s)

Tim O’Reilly brought two folks to the Gov 2.0 Summit stage this morning: Randi Levin, CTO for the city of Los Angeles, CA and Dave Girouard of Google. L.A. is halfway through a migration for their city-wide email system, moving from Novell Groupwise to Google Apps and Randi estimates an eventual savings of $5M overRead… Read more »

Civil Society 2.0 in DC

As promised, Department of State is hosting a conference on Civil Society 2.0 in November… see announcement below and save the date! –an earthquake in Haiti –African fishermen needing cash for their catch –disrupted elections in Iran –overseas families in need of support In all these difficult circumstances, technology has made a dramatic difference inRead… Read more »

At Gov 2.0 Summit; waiting to Hear We’re Moving

Whoe schedule of 10-minute speakers. No one has yet showed us anything real that is actually happening in Gov 2.0/Open Gov. Seems to me we are building it, but no one’s coming other than the interest groups themselves–where’re Citizens?

The Changing Relationship Between Accountability and Responsibility

Collaborative technologies apply flattening pressure to hierarchical organizational structures by diffusing the ability to publish, share and disseminate information. For example consider the action of publishing something to the corporate intranet compared to an enterprise wiki. Intranet Publishing is a Linear Process This linear process is designed to ensure compliance with a broad set ofRead… Read more »

Weekly Research and Best Practices

Research Victorian Government (Australia) 2.0 Action Plan (07/2010) – Details how to systematically embed Web 2.0 techniques and tools into government. Highlights four priority areas plus steps to reform public sector culture, build capability, engage proactively, and innovate iteratively.$File/20100812%20Government%202.0%20action%20plan.pdf News 1. YouTube and Automatic Captioning (08/2010) – YouTube and Google Video now offer automaticRead… Read more »