Yearly Archives: 2010

Happy Holidays! Now Watch This!

Work tends to slow down around this time of year as fewer and fewer people are in the office. If you find yourself with some downtime at your work station I suggest you make some popcorn, assemble a few of your colleagues and watch this video entitled “Why Work Doesn’t Happen at Work”. Who knowsRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: December 17, 2010

Gadi Ben-Yehuda It is tempting to talk about “the year winding down,” and perhaps it’s natural to look outside our windows at the frozen ground under a patina of snow (as it is here in DC) and think that the next couple of weeks will be quieter, less eventful, slower. But as recent years haveRead… Read more »

Reverse Auctions: A Tool to Realize Real Cost Savings

As Government continues to leverage its buying power through continued fiscal pressures, one process that is not getting enough attention is the use of reverse auctions. Reverse auctions are an effective and efficient means of realizing large savings on purchases of not only commodities, but highly defined services as well. Although current initiatives exist suchRead… Read more »

Is ‘Suicide Prevention’ Social Networking?

and/or, with 11 deaths for each attempt that results in a death, Is there a role for ‘social networking’ in ‘suicide prevention? and, even with a mere ‘maybe’, get started? ~~~~~ For some years now I’ve occasionally posted items and excerpts online about ‘suicide prevention’. Some were based on my volunteer ‘hotline’ work in aRead… Read more »

Program Available for IRIS 2011: Internationales Rechtsinformatik Symposion

The program has been posted for IRIS 2011: Internationales Rechtsinformatik Symposion, to be held 24-26 February 2011, at Universität Salzburg, in Salzburg, Austria. IRIS is one of the major eGovernment conferences in the German speaking world. Univ.-Prof. Mag. DDr. Erich Schweighofer of Universität Wien Arbeitsgruppe Rechtsinformatik is a leader of the conference organizational committee. ForRead… Read more »

Public Service 2.0 with a Few Caveats

A few weeks ago, the open government virtuoso David Hale slapped a #publicservice hashtag on a tweet and it got me thinking about the evolution of Public Service. A considerable amount of reflection led me to the following thoughts on what Public Service 2.0 means to me: 360 Degree Collaboration: Good ideas come from everywhereRead… Read more »

Live Streaming: CBP’s 5 Lessons Learned

Hey GovLoop, On Tuesday, September 7, we, CBP Public Affairs (where I’m a contractor), produced our first successful USTREAM live stream of Commissioner Alan Bersin’s speech from the Global Supply Chain Security Summit at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. We broadcasted this live stream on You can watch and archive of his speech here.Read… Read more »

The State of Open Data – Winning Politicians to Unfunded Mandates

A few months ago, we teamed up with the folks at Socrata to ask GovLoopers “What’s the State of Open Data?” Well…the results are in…check it out below – key take aways for me – people like Open Data and helps get politicians elected, it is often unfunded, and citizens have not been made awareRead… Read more »