Yearly Archives: 2010

Hair Wars: Elvis, Uncle Jessie and Charney

Hair isn’t usually exciting to me, but this is an exception. Elvis vs Uncle Jessie vs Charney. I want to build on Candace’s earlier hair-off poll between Uncle Jessie vs Charney. Let’s do a quick analysis of hairspiration, starting with the King. Ol’ Swivel Hips. The King. Elvis. Honestly, I wish I knew what inspiredRead… Read more »

1987 Grace Hopper Interview

Robert Collins of It’s A Cobol World sent a 1987 Grace Hopper interview Robert sent: I just spent the last bit reading an interview with Grace. There are some gems in the interview which have nothing to do with COBOL. Her approach to management, sales, leadership, etc. come through quite well in the text. (AndRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Radio Hot Links – August 14, 2010

Through freak weather, the links must go: Chris Vein: 5 Open Data Apps that Are Improving Our Cities Lisa Hoover: Open Source Wheelchair Design Aids Disabled in Developing Countries Marc Lifsher and David Sarno: Google accuses California of rigging bidding process for e-mail contract Peter Levine: What is the best participatory project in the world?Read… Read more »

What Do Citizen Lawmakers Need to Know?

My new post on Slaw is entitled What Do Citizen Lawmakers Need to Know? The post explores the information needs of nonlawyer citizens who are engaged in online lawmaking, in contexts such as eRulemaking, eConsultation respecting proposed legislation or regulations, or legislative or constitutional referenda. The post is an initial attempt at addressing the question:Read… Read more »

How well is the government using technology to help you?

Summary The Lab asked this simple question to a people across Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and in e-mail. The survey, which was built using SurveyMonkey, received a total of 121 responses. While not a large number the sentiment expressed, and the detailed responses, provide good insights. Who Responded? The respondents were 68.1% male, 31.9% female. TheRead… Read more »

Key component of Arizona immigration law on hold as debate over states rights ensues

In what has been one of the most debated questions in American political history, the question over state and federal authority is still at the forefront of American political discourse, some 222 years after the ratification of the Constitution. In this instance, the issue centers over immigration and the power of an individual state toRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up (now with 100% more weltanschauung)

From John Kamensky: Gov Exec: 2010 Census, after all the hoopla: “On time and under budget” Gov Exec: Defense abandons insourcing efforts: “we weren’t seeing the savings we had hoped for.” Gov Exec: Gates Announces DOD Cuts: Business Transformation Agency, Joint Forces Command, the CIO’s office all get the axe. The Center for American ProgressRead… Read more »

Contract Specialists in Hawaii

NAVFAC Pacific located in Pearl Harbor, HI is seeking Contract Specialists (GS-1102-12) to serve in the Services Contracts Division. The NAVFAC Pacific Services Contracts Division provides contract vehicles for Base Operating Support, DoD utility contracts (water, wastewater, electric and natural gas) and contract vehicles that can be utilized by all NAVFAC offices: Global Contingency ServicesRead… Read more »

Paradigm shift: Use Consultants Surgically

We applaud Defense Secretary Robert Gates’ recent announcement of his proposed initiative to cut costs, as we also applaud the Office of Management and Budget’s move to halt IT modernization efforts that have consistently cost more and delivered less than promised. We see a paradigm shift in how government is working – instead of justRead… Read more »