Yearly Archives: 2010

1% Inspiration and 99% Awesome

[I originally posted this on my blog –] If you map the thought patterns of the creatives out there (ie; people with ideas), especially when he/she is in his creative element/moment/inspiration, you might see something like this: photo credit Ah yes. If you can relate, you’ll know that when you’re in this typeRead… Read more »

With your help, SXSW – FTW!

Until last year, I thought SXSW was all about the music and films. Not to mention some pretty rockin’ parties, as friends raved. As it happens, it’s also a forum for sharing some killer interactive projects, case studies, ideas. Even for government. Following SXSW 2010 tweets & blogs and hearing from gov2.0 people I admire,Read… Read more »

AFGE Combats Demonizing Federal Service

Pretty interesting…glad AFGE is defending federal service AFGE CHALLENGES ATTACKS AGAINST FEDERAL WORKFORCE, PROMOTES PUBLIC SERVICES Nation’s Largest Federal Employee Union Launches Good Government Advertising Campaign (WASHINGTON) – The American Federation of Government Employees, which represents 600,000 workers in 75 different federal and DC government agencies, today, launched a nationwide radio ad campaign reminding listenersRead… Read more »

Space Buzz: The New High!

The 18th annual SXSW Interactive Festival in Austin, Texas will be held on March 11-15, 2011. They bill the event as “five days of compelling presentations from the brightest minds in emerging technology, scores of exciting networking events hosted by industry leaders.” Potential presenters submit panel session proposals, which are sifted and selected for voting.Read… Read more »

Stromer-Galley et al. on Deliberative e-Rulemaking Decision Facilitation: Challenges to Enacting Real World Deliberation

Professor Dr. Jennifer Stromer-Galley of the University of Albany Department of Communication, Professor Dr. Peter Muhlberger of the Texas Tech University Center of Communications Research, and Nick Webb of the University at Albany Institute for Informatics, Logics and Security Studies, presented a paper entitled Deliberative e-Rulemaking Decision Facilitation: Challenges to Enacting Real World Deliberation, atRead… Read more »

Will the Obama Administration Take on Contractor Corruption?

Now is the perfect time for the Obama administration to tackle the problem of government contractor corruption. Local government agencies are strapped for cash and small businesses are suffering in all sectors, making fraud and waste politically intolerable. Anti-corruption actions would bolster support for the administration among business owners and improve confidence in government amongRead… Read more »

GovLoop on HuffPo: “3 Signs That Government Is More Innovative Than Ever”

A few weeks ago, Mr. GovLoop started blogging for the Huffington Post. We’re pretty jazzed about it and our main goal is to highlight and honor your awesomeness through this increased visibility. For instance, our newest post is titled: “3 Signs That Government is More Innovative Than Ever” Basically, we talk about our new “GovLaunch”Read… Read more »

Evaluation Factors for Sole-Source Negotiations – Any Purpose?

Ok, so those familiar with the Uniform Contract Format (UCF) know Section M is used for listing evaluation factors. I’ve only heard Section M being used for competitive proposals. However, my agency does a lot of sole sourcing. (There aren’t too many people competing to build subs). Here’s my question: Are there any advantages toRead… Read more »