Yearly Archives: 2010

Open Source, Open Government: EchoDitto and the Federal World

We have good news! EchoDitto is now a GSA-approved federal contractor in the United States. What does this mean? EchoDitto now flies black helicopters in Iraq? In layman’s, non-governmentalese, being on the GSA schedule means that we are now eligible to work with the federal government — agencies, departments, and all governmental entities. This isRead… Read more »

The Stress Doc’s “Top Ten Commandments” for Transforming Reorganizational Crisis: Generating the Four “R”s – Relief and Reflection, Rejuvenation and Recommitment – Part II

Based on work with a variety of organizational and corporate clients, Part I outlined three necessary transition stress interventions for engaging an angry and anxious audience caught in a rough and rocky reorganizational sea change. (Email [email protected] if you missed Part I.) The foundational interventions were: 1) “Bring Your Inner Clint Eastwood,” 2) “Warm UpRead… Read more »

Obama administration calls for online privacy bill of rights reports: NEW YORK ( — The Obama administration on Thursday unveiled a proposed new framework for protecting consumers’ privacy online. The plan centers around a “Privacy Bill of Rights” that would encourage better transparency about data collection online, according to the Commerce Department’s report on its policy recommendations. It would promote “informed consent” forRead… Read more »

Community Building: Seth Godin on Organizing Your Advance

Note: “advance” as in the title of this blog post is Seth Godin’s preferential word for what we normally refer to as “retreat” or in-person gathering with a mission (he thinks retreat is too negative; I agree). Online Communities are strengthened by simultaneous offline community gatherings. But importantly, not all offline community gatherings, or “retreatsadvances”Read… Read more »

Cablegate vs Wikileaks and the new porn

I’ve been trying trying to play around with a graphic to show the difference between the wikileaks driven cablegate and the pentagon papers (ah to live in an era before the suffix gate appeared everywhere). Here is the best I’ve got so far – would love to hear others suggestions or their own versions. ThereRead… Read more »

A Good Lesson on How NOT to Treat Buyers

A very detailed and relevant piece by the Spend Matters folks: Ariba StartSourcing and StartContracts, two new configurations of popular Ariba products and the illusion of their introductory pricing. And for the procurement market no less…