Yearly Archives: 2010

Rip Van Winkel Awakens: Does He Look Like Nicholas Cage?

After a 15-year slumber, the Administrative Conference of the U.S. has returned. It held its first meeting last week since it was reconstituted earlier this year. Supreme Court Justice Anthony Scalia swore in the 100 new members of the Conference, noting “your job is to improve the administrative process throughout the government.” We were hereRead… Read more »

Large-Scale Biocomputational Research Meets Cloud Computing

Mark Drapeau (Washington, DC) — More data is being produced, analyzed, shared, and stored than ever before. Scientific research, particularly biological sciences like genomics, is one of the more prominent examples of this, with laboratories producing terabytes of information every minute. There are many challenges moving forward with large-scale computational research in the biosciences andRead… Read more »

Wounded Warrior Project – What is it?

by Donna L. Quesinberry Wounded Warrior Examiner Since Operations Enduring and Iraqi Freedom began in 2003, tens of thousands of our service men and women have succumbed to battlefield wounds and are returning home with life-altering injuries. In collaboration with the USO, wants your help to say “thanks” to our nation’s Wounded Warriors. ReadRead… Read more »

Generations 2010: What different generations do online

Update on Internet usage by age groups from Pew Research: “There are still notable differences by generation in online activities, but the dominance of the Millennial generation that we documented in our first “Generations” report in 2009 has slipped in many activities…. “…the biggest online trend is that, while the very youngest and oldest cohortsRead… Read more »

Should I reveal my leadership in certain organizations on my resume?

Here’s a question I recently was asked: Should I reveal my leadership in an organization that reveals something personal about me, on my resume? For example, leadership in an addiction recovery organization? Here is my opinion. It is definitely opinion and others may disagree. I would welcome a heated debate about this, as a matterRead… Read more »

Platform or Conversation?

Bloggers are looking to get their message out. After creating a blog, the repeating tasks become posting new and attracting readers. There are many platforms that have already attracted the readers you covet. They probably want some content that will satisfy their current readers and attract more readers. I have watched new managers on previouslyRead… Read more »

White House Cybersecurity Czar Promises to Share ‘Great Big Uglies’ With Industry

“In short there’s a lot to do, but I think we’re better now than we were last year. We were better last year than the year before.” That’s how White House cybersecurity czar Howard Schmidt defined the progress his office has made in his one year on the job. Schmidt, officially the Special Assistant toRead… Read more »

The 30-Foot View: Reflections on a Social Media in Government Conference

A while ago, I don’t remember what conference, one of the break-out questions was “how will we know Gov 2.0 is succeeding?” One of the participants answered “When we don’t have to ask ourselves if Gov 2.0 is succeeding.” On December 6 and 7, I attended the ALI Social Media in Government conference in LasRead… Read more »