Yearly Archives: 2010

Bad Commute Day? Can anything help?

I recently posted a blog posting on my blog, Analytics for Government about Washington Traffic and whether performance management techniques can help. I’ve now added a survey link off the blog to get YOUR views on the Washington Commuting Scene. This is admittedly a non-scientific, non-random survey on views about traffic, but if we getRead… Read more »

Telework: Productivity Not Presence Should Be the Measure of An Employee

Originally posted by Laureen Miles Brunelli, Guide to Work-at-Home Moms Of course the big legislative news this week is the financial reform bill, but in other news, the House passed the Telework Improvement Act. The bill, which the Senate had already passed, calls for an increase in the number of telecommuting federal employees. PresidentRead… Read more »

Cost of connectivity

Interesting Commentary from the ACM Blog which brings to the discussion table several issues: Are we too connected?How often do you turn off tune out (disconnect) and is there a cost?Is there a practical solution to the almost 24/7 connectivity, or does there need to be? Title: A Connected Life Author: Carlos Brewer Never beforeRead… Read more »

Now What?

Note – this is crossposted from Also note that the visualizations don’t show up for some reason, if you want to see them click here. Full disclosure: I was recently sent advance copies of two reports (canada@150 c/o the PRI and Road to Retention c/o the Public Policy Forum) and asked to blog aboutRead… Read more »

When a city works: sharing Central Park with a dog, a husband, and a couple of thousand triathletes who have just swum the Hudson River

Today my husband, dog, and I went to Central Park for a photo shoot–for my husband and dog. Jeff (the husband) has a book coming out about project management at the end of the year. He’s upgrading his website, and so he hired a very nice photographer to take pictures for his website that showRead… Read more »

The importance of the Twitter Retweet

Microsoft Research came out with some very interesting research looking specifically at the act of retweeting on Twitter. If you’d like to read the full paper it is available for download in PDF format. Note that the following Twitter pros were behind the research: Danah Boyd, Microsoft Research, @zephoria Scott Golder, Cornell / Microsoft Research,Read… Read more »