Yearly Archives: 2010

Engaging Your Audience Through Presentation and Delivery – David Uejio

Engaging your audience isn’t easy in fact there’s a lot more ways to do it poorly than correctly. But good news is there are people who have it down pat and can help. One of those is David Uejio, Special Assistant to the Director, Office of Human Resources, National Institutes of Health. David will beRead… Read more »

Bridging and Understanding the Technology Gap

Over the last two years, it has been acknowledged that we have a technology gap between the generations of workers in the government space. We have skilled and experienced professionals who have been trained not to be on the internet or any type of social media, and those who are very skilled and adept atRead… Read more »

I can do THAT with my mouse? The integration imperative for government document management software (part II)

July and August used to be pretty rough times for my colleagues in community development. Each year, we would have to gather reports on projects funded with federal dollars. Some years we had a staggering 200 projects underway. In June, the information from this paper avalanche had to be manually entered into our database. OneRead… Read more »

Shecter Wins CivicApps for Greater Portland Best Idea Award

Robb Shecter, creator of and, has won the 2010 CivicApps for Greater Portland Best Idea Award. Robb won for his proposal called Community-Contributed Datasets, of which his legal glossary is an example. Click here for Robb’s discussion of his proposal. Please join me in congratulating Robb! HT @lawlib.

Mock Negotiations for Contract Specialists

This post was originally published at All Things Sterling on Posterous. One of the best exercises I experienced at CON 120 was mock negotiations. Here are lessons I took away from the exercise. Lessons It’s true — preparation is key to negotiations. Contract type influences your negotiation goal. If fixed-price, focus on the bottom lineRead… Read more »

Are we there yet? Gov 2.0 is still… 2.0

Note: This is an edited version from my blog Just think. The iPhone is getting ready to release its fourth generation. Microsoft has launched its third Windows OS in five years, and we’re into a third tech-savvy US President, but Gov 2.0 is still Gov 2.0. Having spent many years in this field calledRead… Read more »

HR=Humans Represent: What You Do On Friday May Get You Hired

It’s true, don’t kid yourself. For those who find themselves lost in the sea of unemployment, trying to find work is hard work! The job search is more than just classified ads these days (have you noticed how much the employment opportunities in Sunday’s paper has shrunk so much as to be almost non-existent?) IfRead… Read more »

Bladow on Opening the Courts: Using Technology to Empower the Unrepresented

A video is available of a presentation by Kate Bladow of Pro Bono Net, entitled Opening the Courts: Using Technology to Empower the Unrepresented, given 25 May 2010 at Gov 2.0 Expo 2010 in Washington, DC, USA. The presentation concerns “courts’ use of technology to help those without lawyers, including Pro Bono Net‘s LawHelp InteractiveRead… Read more »