Yearly Archives: 2010

AFGE Wins Unprecedented Arbitration On Behalf of Social Security Administration Employee

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 21, 2010 Contact: Christina Erling 202-639-6419 AFGE WINS UNPRECEDENTED ARBITRATION ON BEHALF OF SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION EMPLOYEE $100,000 in Punitive and Compensatory Damages Awarded, Arbitrator Cites Flagrant Violations by the Agency (WASHINGTON)- Citing “reckless indifference,” an independent arbitrator decried the Social Security Administration’s multiple contract violations in a recent case regardingRead… Read more »

Three Government Agencies Take Home First Annual NVTC Social Media Awards

On June 15, 2010, the Northern Virginia Technology Council’s Social Media Committee hosted its first annual social media awards at K Street Lounge in Washington, D.C. The ceremony was part of #dcweek and recognized social media programs in six categories (see winners below). You may notice that half of the winners were government organizations: DepartmentRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Radio Hot Links – June 20, 2010

DCWeek – 240 people to check out on Twitter Ideas for Seattle – Local Gov and UserVoice Paul Day’s Conversion-Driven Government: Social Media is Not You Job Open Government – a book review The Guardian: The Internet – Everything you ever need to know Internet.artizans: open data doesn’t empower communities Understanding gov20 adoption, findingRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Radio: Carol Spencer on Morris County, NJ and NAGW

Join a conversation about social media and local government with Morris County, NJ, webmaster Carol Spencer, treasurer of the National Association of Government Webmasters. A veteran of IBM, Spencer calls social media the biggest revolution in technology since the personal computer. On gov’t agencies blocking social media, she says, “You’re blocking access to the wayRead… Read more »

Notes from Gov 2 Radio & NAGW

Carol Spencer, Morris County, NJ Social media – Changes the way people live their lives-2nd biggest change in her IT career – 1st personal PC, 2nd social media Knowledge networks that are so powerful Mars County, NJ-hootsuite – parks put out magazine for 90 days -she has tweets scheduled out for 90 days -health notifications,Read… Read more »

Developing Client-centric Government Sites: A video tutorial

This is a video tutorial I created to help share the web performance measurement strategy shown in my previous blog post. It’s called Developing Client-centric Government Sites. If you don’t see anything above, maybe you can check it out on vimeo : Modified from original posted:

Thanks for Participating — Here’s Twitter Made Easy for Contracts

In the last month I asked question in four discussions in the last month: Twitter – for each contract or all contracts? Tweets for the Public Record — how do you do it? List Your Acquisition Twitter Profile — strength in numbers Twitter Tools for Contracts – What are your favorites? Thank you to thoseRead… Read more »


KEVIN JACKSON Kevin Jackson is currently an Engineering Fellow with NJVC, one of the largest information technology solutions providers supporting the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD). Prior to this position, he served in various senior management positions including VP, Dataline LLC, Director Federal for Sirius Computer Solutions and Worldwide Sales Executive for IBM. His formalRead… Read more »

Does Twitter make sense for marketing?

While this infographic is 8 months old it provides some good information that you should understand. Before digging into these statistics too deeply, also consider: As of April, 2010, Twitter had about 110 million registered users. Based upon research by Nielsen in April of 2010 only 11.4 million of those registered Twitter users used TwitterRead… Read more »