Yearly Archives: 2010

Blowing Off Some Steam

Need to blow off some steam. This extreme people person is now in an office that is completely empty. My one and only employee is out and has been out of the office for two days this week, my military counterparts are out, and it’s me-alone. Or am I really alone? I have a pileRead… Read more »

GovGoodies – 33% of Next American City Subscription

Local Govies listen up cause this deal is for you! GovLoop has scored $10 off a yearly subscription to the quarterly magazine Next American City. Next American City is a magazine that focuses on making cities better. They observe, document and conceive realistic solutions about how to improve cities—how to ensure that future generations’ livesRead… Read more »

Can Twitter Reimagine Democracy?

Twitter’s plan to hire a government liaison (its first DC employee) has set off a a tweetstorm from the U.S. Capitol to London to Tokyo, and likely a flood of resumes into the Web 2.0 firm’s SoMa offices. Some of the Gov 2.0 community’s brightest have already offered great suggestions for how this new TwitterRead… Read more »

They’re Tossing Out the Baby!

Employers use many methods to evaluate job applicants against job requirements! It’s not unusual for prospective employers to ask job applicants to give examples of work experiences that demonstrate their knowledge, skills & abilities for a new job! And, for the most part, all of them know it’s important to tie their questions to theRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 and Organizational Culture

Two interesting articles about organizational culture in the latest issue of the “Journal of Organizational Change Management.” The first article is a cultural analysis of organizational memory and its role in organizational change while the second article describes how organizational memory can hinder learning a new technology. In the first article, McCabe gives a moreRead… Read more »

What do Government Websites and AMEX have in common?

“In 2003, California resident Vee Vinhnee filed for bankruptcy in U.S. Bankruptcy Court. He owed American Express more than $40,000 on his credit cards. American Express (Amex) sued Vinhnee to recover the balances owed on the cards. In Vinhnee vs. American Express Travel Related Services Company Inc., Vinhnee won his case without a lawyer andRead… Read more »

Transparency in Contracting: The Presentation

Couldn’t help my nerdiness — I had to insert “The Presentation” as a subtitle. It reminded me of Power Rangers: The Movie. It’s just too great to not include. Anyways, here’s an updated version of a presentation I gave the other week to the NCMA NOVA Chapter. Wonderful group of folks by the way. TransparencyRead… Read more »