Yearly Archives: 2010

Sales Lab’s Talk Your Business! June 16

You are invited to a free one hour brown bag lunch presentation that creates better sales on the spot! Wednesday, June 16th, Noon to 1 pm at Mount Vernon-Lee Chamber of Commerce 6911 Richmond Highway, Suite 320 Alexandria, VA 22306 For more information, go here: Admission is free. Bring a “brown bag” lunch. HopeRead… Read more »

Freitas et al. on A New Usage for Semantic Technologies on eGovernment: Checking Official Documents’ Consistency

Dr. Fred Freitas of Universität Mannheim Zentrum für Wirtschaftsinformatik Knowledge Representation and Knowledge Management Research Group and Federal Universidade of Pernambuco Informatics Center, Zacharias Candeias Jr. of the Pernambuco Agência Estadual de Tecnologia da Informação, and Professor Dr. Heiner Stuckenschmidt of Universität Mannheim Zentrum für Wirtschaftsinformatik Knowledge Representation and Knowledge Management Research Group, will presentRead… Read more »

Online Video Asset Management Whitepaper

“Don’t Let Video Assets Become a Liability” Your web audience prefers video as an information resource. Your public affairs and training departments want to post more and more videos, while making sure that viewers can easily navigate to their subject matter preference. You need to manage a seemingly unmanageable library of video assets that isRead… Read more »

The Kentucky State Police Are Finding Success Using Social Media

I love to read a news article on the web that highlights a law enforcement agency that is using social media and being successful at it. Some may say social media success for law enforcement has to be measured by arrests, crimes prevented or some numerical value. However, successful use of social media for lawRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Study: Telework worked during snowstorms

Remember that big snowstorm earlier this year that caused four straight snow days for federal workers? It might be hard to remember during a hot week with temperatures soared into the 80s — but let’s flash back for a moment: Obama administration officials want Congress to approve more telework options for federal workers, arguing thatRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Obama extends more benefits to gay federal workers

President Obama extended on Wednesday a wider range of benefits to the same-sex partners of eligible federal workers, including access to medical treatment, relocation assistance, credit unions and fitness centers. The move goes beyond a memo Obama signed last June, which permitted same-sex partners to use the government’s long-term-care insurance and other fringe benefits. ItRead… Read more »

Mike Loukides on “What is data science?”

Mike Loukides posted a blog What is data science? on It’s a naural to preceed the publication by O’Reilly of “Making Data Work: Practical Applications of Data Science”. In summary his message is that the “future belongs to the companies and people that turn data into products.” A few of his points and discussionRead… Read more »

Celebrating 150 years with the US Army Signal Corps

Just wanted to mention to everyone that SIGNAL Magazine has published its commemorative special edition recognizing the 150th anniversary of the US Army Signal Corps. We’ll also be publishing lots of extras on our blog and Flickr page. You can view the anniversary supplement at this link.

Memorial Day reflection, that “Our flag will be recognized throughout the world as a symbol of freedom”

Originally posted on at One stone wall of the World War II Memorial in Washington, DC is home to a quote for which we have General George Marshall to be thankful. “We are determined that before the sun sets on this terrible struggle our flag will be recognized throughout the world as aRead… Read more »