Yearly Archives: 2010

Happy Birthday, Open Government Directive

To mark the one-year anniversary of the Open Government Directive (OGD), Patrice McDermott, Director of, and Carolyn Lukensmeyer, Founder and President of AmericaSpeaks, penned a piece cross-posted on Government Executive ( and NextGov ( highlighting the successes of the OGD to date and recommending “next steps” for the Administration to take to make governmentRead… Read more »

VIDEO: Open Gov Directive Anniversary Q&A with White House

In case you missed the Open Government Directive One-Year Anniversary LIVE today, here’s the video: What do you think? Was this a helpful 30 minutes or should it have been longer? Did they answer tough questions? Did they answer YOUR questions? Should this kind of live engagement happen more often? Sound off below. Favorite

Australia is the second largest government user of Yammer – over 110 active networks

There’s recently been some controversy in Australian government over the use of Yammer, a private and secure enterprise social network, which I discussed in my post, The ongoing struggles to balance IT security and staff empowerment. I asked Simon Spencer, Yammer’s newly appointed Asia-Pacific General Manager, how many government agencies in Australia were using Yammer.Read… Read more »

Transparency Questions Answered from the National League of Cities Conference

We attended the National League of Cities conference last week and got a lot of questions about streaming council meetings online to increase transparency. There were some concerns raised about pricing and complexity, we wanted to address these in a blog post to give people some key things to consider when deciding what type ofRead… Read more »

ChatterBachs announces GovLoop training

On the ChatterBachs blog: ChatterBachs announces GovLoop training ChatterBachs announced today that they will offer training on GovLoop as a part of their services. ChatterBachs, a social media and communications consulting firm based in Northern Virginia, has capabilities to create and maintain blogs, conduct social media training, act as an outsourced component for establishingRead… Read more »

Questions for Journalists, Politicians and Police Departments about Public Information Access

When Bradley Tech, a troubled Milwaukee public high school, had to be locked down and receive massive police support to stop a fight involving gang members and kids from other schools, the most important issue is not about the school, the 18 arrests, the gangs, the fight, or the police response. It’s about having noRead… Read more »

GovInsights: Analysis of Open Government Plans at One Year

Open Government reaches a key milestone this week. Plus, we’re nearing the end of 2010 and many folks will be sharing their Top 10’s for 2010. Rather than launch into that kind of look back here (though that’s all coming soon!), I wanted to highlight some insights I gleaned from Angela Newell, who is completingRead… Read more »

USDA Communications Moves To The Cloud

Today, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced a massive move of its 120,000 employees to communications technology hosted in “the cloud,” the common term for Web-based services like email, instant messaging, and content management. This new initiative is part of a major consolidation of over 20 different email systems currently in use, andRead… Read more »