Yearly Archives: 2010

Open Foreste Italiane is Gathering Momentum

Wow – there is a great new article on Ushahidi’s blog about an application I told you all about recently, which encourages crowdsourcing to stop Italian forest fires before they start. This has huge potential to increase community resilience and assist current firespotting efforts in a nonintrusive way. A lovely video by Elena Rapisardi, theRead… Read more »

Free “What is Gov 2.0?” webcast with Tim O’Reilly – May 11

What is the open government revolution and why should technologists care about it? Join Tim O’Reilly, O’Reilly Media founder and CEO, for a discussion about improving efficiency and transparency in government, citizen-government collaboration, and government as a platform. There will be an open question and answer session. For background reading, please see Tim’s “Government asRead… Read more »

The Federal Coach: Housing and Urban Development’s ‘malignant optimist’

This week I interviewed Shaun Donovan, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, who – through leading with ‘malignant optimism’ – tries to instill a culture at HUD that encourages creativity and risk-taking. Q: How can federal employees be better leaders? A: My sister, a psychiatrist, once jokingly diagnosed me as a malignant optimist, completely incurable,Read… Read more »

Web 2.0 and IT

VERY INTERESTING COMMENTARY From the Gartner Blogs Legacy systems are not socially adaptiveMay 5th, 2010 · Author: Mark McDonald Business executives, technologists, academics and journalists marvel at the emerging power of social technologies aka Web 2.0. They see developments in social media as transformational, ushering in a new type of computing – social computing. TheRead… Read more »

Introducing ‘CityLife’: the mobile app for local government

This is a crosspost of In the past few months, the DotGov team has been working on developing a mobile application for local government organizations. Our participating cities and county have been providing us with great feedback and insights and we really appreciate their help on this aspect of the development phase. Our teamRead… Read more »


(WASHINGTON) – Today, AFGE congratulates Sgts. Kimberly Munley and Mark Todd, who were named as finalists for the Service to America Medals. Sgt. Todd and Sgt. Munley are civilian police officers who heroically defended the Ft. Hood military installation against a terrorist attack. Munley and Todd are members of AFGE Local 1920, which represents thousandsRead… Read more »

“Flash Mob” Insights on Open Government

This morning I attended a great session at the Open Government and Innovations Conference in Washington, DC, led my Amanda Eamich and Karen Malkin, both of the USDA. They broke out session participants into three groups based on the Open Gov pillars – collaboration, participation and transparency. As we split up, it felt a bitRead… Read more »