Yearly Archives: 2010

Mickey’s 10 Commandments – Tips from a Disney Imagineer

Last week, Bowen Moran asked, “What Would Walt Do?” as a launching pad for discussing the leadership style of Walt Disney. Yesterday, I had the privilege of hearing a keynote speech by Disney Legend Marty Sklar at the IPMA-HR Western Region conference. One of the original Imagineers working with Walt Disney in the early 1950s,Read… Read more »

USAF social media Incident Response chart

I spent Thursday and Friday at Free State Social, a social media conference sponsored by the World Company in Lawrence, Kansas. I was the only government participant. I learned a number of interesting things, but the EUREKA! moment for me as a government practitioner was provided by Jeremiah Owyang, whose presentation included this social-media responseRead… Read more »

So You Enjoyed the Govt Web & New Media Conf – Now, What Are YOU Gonna Do?

I hope you either attended or tuned into the Government Web and New Media Conference in Washington DC, last week. What a line-up! I sat in my Tucson family room, watching the proceedings streaming live, listening to the fine line-up of speakers; and I marveled that so many terrific people are engaged in improving theRead… Read more »

No Dorothy, we’re not in Kansas anymore… Time to call KDOT

I was chatting with Patrick Quinn who is the Social Media Manager, Kansas Department of Transportation, about the community efforts taking place in his organization. What follows is some great information, compliments of Patrick (many thanks for your openness). Enjoy. Q. It appears that you have an internally focused community and an externally focused community,Read… Read more »

Meet the Gov Mascot: #6 – Sammy Soil and Ruby Raindrop

Next week is Public Service Recognition Week (PSRW) and GovLoop is teaming up with the Partnership for Public Service to promote PSRW by running a special series called “Meet the Government Mascot.” Each day we’ve been introducing you to a new mascot, then we’ll run a contest on May 6-8 where you can vote forRead… Read more »

Pew eGov Report Sheds Light on eParticipation & Use of Online Legislation

22% of U.S. Internet users recently surveyed said they had “[d]ownload[ed] or read the text of any legislation” online in the past 12 months, according to Government Online: The Internet Gives Citizens New Paths to Government Services and Information (27 April 2010), a new report published by the Pew Internet and American Life Project. TheRead… Read more »

Who Dumped All That Free Speech on My Lawn?

A lively conversation blew through the Ypsilanti, Michigan message boards this week, like discarded coupons churning in the wind. Residents are tired of finding local news site’s weekly add papers strewn about their property. Rather than just complain, they’ve taken to SeeClickFix to exchange information and find a solution. It’s proven surprisingly difficult forRead… Read more »

GovReads! The First 90-Days: Critical Success Strategies for New Leaders at All Levels

If you’ve started a new position, transitioned into a new role, or planning on making a move in the near future, I’d recommend reading , “The First 90 Days: Critical Success Strategies for New Leaders at all Levels” by Michael Watkins. Michael Watkins is an Associate Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School. ThisRead… Read more »

Strike Back in the War for the Web: Government Portals 2.0

Just over a year ago, I wrote a post advocating local governments building their own Ning networks. I’m more convinced that ever that social portals are the future for local govs, and I’d like to see San Francisco embrace such an effort around its non-emergency 311 services center and capacity-building initiatives out of the DepartmentRead… Read more »

Do page views matter for your average blogger?

To me, page views on my personal blog actually matter very little, it’s more about the sharing of thoughts, hearing other viewpoints, and ultimately reaching a deeper understanding on a variety of topics… Assuming you feel the same way I do, here are a few thoughts to consider: As you blog more and more, hopefullyRead… Read more »