Yearly Archives: 2010

IT: Breaking Business Unit Barriers with Collaboration Tools?

From OpenSF In a late-2007 management audit of San Francisco’s technology department, the City’s budget analyst recommended that the City’s tech oversight body, the Committee on Information Technology (COIT), “create communications tools for information technology managers to communicate more effectively with each other.” The report also directed a similar recommendation to the technology department: “EstablishRead… Read more »

3 Reasons Why Cities Should Focus on Seniors, Not Whippersnappers

Last week, I served on a panel at the National League of Cities Congress in Denver, Colorado. Fellow panelists included Harvard’s John O’Leary, The Performance Institute’s Alan Shark, Muni Gov 2.0 co-founder Pam Broviak and Social Media for Responders founder Mark Basnight. Each of us offered our insights about the state of social media inRead… Read more »

Is it really a lack of trust, or a fear of connecting that leads to discouragement of social media in workplaces?

I hear a great deal of discussion by colleagues (and have engaged in it myself) about the lack of trust within organisations. “There’s all this process because our senior leadership doesn’t trust its own staff.” “If they’d just trust the [Communications/Web/IT/Finance/Procurement/Program/Policy] team – we know what we are doing and have some very talented peopleRead… Read more »

Community Building: Top 5 Ways to Ensure a Successful Launch

Launching an online community can be a tricky process. Here are 5 ways to get you on the right path. 1. Start small: Clay Shirky puts it best: “projects that will work only if they grow large generally won’t grow large; people who are fixated on creating large-scale future success can actually reduce the possibilityRead… Read more »

National Defense University Press Launches Online Scavenger Hunt, Taking on a Web 2.0 Attitude

Washington, D.C. — Beginning Tuesday, December 14, National Defense University Press (NDU Press) will be hosting a holiday scavenger hunt to highlight its Web site and publications. The event kicks off on the NDU Press Facebook page at 12:00 p.m. EDT. The scavenger hunt will occur across all NDU Press sites, which include a mainRead… Read more »

NIH Library wants your feedback on teleworking

Greetings GovLoop Users The NIH Library recently conducted a short study evaluating the issues involved with office sharing, teleworking, and the use of mobile technology in support of working remotely. We are interested in hearing from others about their experiences teleworking. We have created a short survey focusing on two issues related to teleworking. First,Read… Read more »

Four reasons not to stop your job search during the holidays

A lot of job seekers assume that the holidays stretching from Thanksgiving until after the New Year are a time to put their job search on hold. If you tell yourself no employers hire over the holidays, no employers interview during December, everyone is physically (or mentally) on vacation…stop! Sure the festive nature of theRead… Read more »

My 4 Part Government Engagement Funnel

Often government engagement is done as a one-off. A one-time call for feedback. A one-time challenge. However, I think government should think more about building long-term relationships and engagement with stakeholders. Think about it in a non-profit, political, or for-profit model: -For-profit – Does Groupon want you to just buy today’s deal? Nope – theyRead… Read more »