Yearly Archives: 2010

Meet the Gov Mascot: #3 – Lady Liberty

Next week is Public Service Recognition Week (PSRW) and GovLoop is teaming up with the Partnership for Public Service to promote PSRW by running a special series called “Meet the Government Mascot.” Each day we’ve been introducing you to a new mascot, then we’ll run a contest on May 6-8 where you can vote forRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Study: 61% of adults use web for government info

Happy Wednesday! The Pew Internet and American Life Project have published a fantastic study of how Americans use the Internet to learn about all levels of government. Let’s dive right into the highlights: • 82 percent of all Web users in the survey (representing 61 percent of all American adults) looked for information or completedRead… Read more »

Man is a Social Animal. Why not the Government then? [Government 2.0]

Numerous blogs out there sport #Gov20 or #OpenData buzzword these days igniting interesting conversations around what they believe Government 2.0 platform is probably gonna be like tomorrow. Some assume it to be a Facebook clone, some say it should be Twitter et al and some go even as far as challenging the norms of opennessRead… Read more »

Social Media Use in Local Government

Hi everyone, My name is Alan Huynh and I’m currently researching the factors that best determine the success rate of a local government utilizing social media. The survey can be taken at and would love for everyone to take it. I look forward to sharing my data once I get done with my researchRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: SEC porn scandal results in zero firings

None of the Securities and Exchange Commission employees caught using government computers to view pornographic images has been fired, according to the agency. The SEC inspector general investigated 28 employees and five contractors for accessing inappropriate images and Web sites, according to a report released late last week. Of the employees, eight resigned and sixRead… Read more »


Gov 2.0, social media, social innovation, citizen engagement. All demand creativity and perseverance. We all have our creative slumps. I try and get over mine by going for a walk up Mount Rogers (Canberra). Due for one this weekend. What do you do to recover the creative spark? Steve OZloop

Selling Web 2.0 Technologies to Upper Management

As we work on how to use social networking technologies in Gov 2.0, I thought this article from IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management might be of some interest to practitioners. “The Strategic Implications of Web Technologies: A Process Model of How Web Technologies Enhance Organizational Performance” answers two questions: 1) “How do Web technologies supportRead… Read more »

Muhlberger & Stromer-Galley on Measurement of Deliberative Quality in Online Policy Discussions

Professor Peter Muhlberger of the Texas Tech University Center of Communications Research and Professor Jennifer Stromer-Galley of the University of Albany Department of Communication have published Automated and Hand-coded Measurement of Deliberative Quality in Online Policy Discussions, in dg.o 2009: Proceedings of the 10th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research: Social Networks: Making ConnectionsRead… Read more »

So You Hired a Gen Y – Now Get The Most Out of Them Through The Gen Y Recruitment and Retention Lifecycle™!

We can’t escape the fact that Gen Y/Millennials are going to transform the workplace over the next five years. By 2014 there will be more than 58 million Millennials employed in various organizations in the U.S. alone. Employers must begin adapting to the challenge of these generations to remain sustainable. Having cross generational strategies forRead… Read more »


TSA Union Responds to FLRA “Show Cause” Order WASHINGTON)—Stating that the rights to collectively bargain and to have union representation are two separate rights, the American Federation of Government Employees today filed with the Federal Labor Relations Authority Washington Regional Office its Response to Order to Show Cause as to why there should be aRead… Read more »