Yearly Archives: 2010

Gov 2.0 Roundup (April 23 Edition)

Local governments look to the cloud, Corpus Christi goes the open source route, with a twist, the Commerce Department wants your opinion and financial fraud victims have a new resource, all in this week’s version of the Rock Creek Roundup. –Saving resources, having access to advanced features and functionality, and reliable availability and uptime wereRead… Read more »

Social Network Service (SNS) newest trend – “affordable and necessary” premium pricing

The Social Network Service (SNS) NING Related Articles GBE101: strategies for business development under the social network umbrella GBE101: Podcasting – becoming a technological native GBE101: Wikis and Wikipedia GBE101: social network sites (SNS) by Donna L. Quesinberry Government Business Examiner On the 15th of March 2010, Jason Rosenthal moved from the Chief Operations OfficerRead… Read more »

The Federal Coach – Deadwood, the sequel: More on the problem of poor performance

My “deadwood” column on Monday about removing poor performers from their government jobs received lots of feedback and comments, with readers offering their own advice — and frustrations — on the topic. Some readers wrote that government leaders do not deal with poor performers in part because the system is too hard to navigate. IRead… Read more »

Virtualization for Dummies

“In these tough economic times, business decisions aren’t made in a vacuum. Plenty of outside considerations have an impact on the implementation of any technical solutions. Nowhere is this truer than in a government environment.“Richard Blum, Virtualization for Government, 2010 Understanding the “ins and outs” of server virtualization in a government environment can be difficultRead… Read more »

Why Understanding the Cycle of Business Development is important to Winning Government Proposals

My 5-year-old daughter, when working on a puzzle, knows to glance at the whole picture first, before starting to assemble the pieces. She is up to 30-piece puzzles now, which have gotten quite complex. So, her process is to study the picture, and then find a corner piece to which she then starts adding pieces.Read… Read more »

Ideas come from everyone. How well are you listening?

As I noted in yesterday’s post about the power of Social Support Communities, I recently chatted with Todd Sierer, Product Manager for LabVIEW, about their Social Support Community (SSC) efforts. I also, however, discussed their recent efforts with customer co-creation leveraging the ideation platform from Lithium Technologies. For those of you who are unsure ofRead… Read more »

Winners and Losers in Open Government (Craig Thomler)

Originally posted by Craig Thomler at the eGov AU blog. One of the trends with Government 2.0 is for jurisdictions to make more of their information available online in more readily accessible, machine readable and useful forms. We’ve seen the rise of, and a host of open data sites for nations and statesRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Eye Opener: Porn and federal workers

A new investigation by Securities and Exchange Commission watchdogs finds that dozens of agency employees used government computers to look at explicit images in the last five years, the AP scoops. The SEC inspector general conducted 33 probes of employees looking at the images and said 31 of those occurred in the 2 1/2 yearsRead… Read more »

Tobacco Control State Highlights 2010

At 5:30 p.m. CDT, CDC Director Dr. Thomas Frieden and HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius presented a new CDC report, Tobacco Control State Highlights 2010, at the Association of Health Care Journalists’ annual conference in Chicago. This important resource provides a state-by-state snapshot of tobacco use prevention and control efforts throughout the nation and highlights high-impact,Read… Read more »