Yearly Archives: 2010

Bex on Argument Mapping & Storytelling in Criminal Cases

Dr. Floris Bex of the University of Dundee’s Argumentation Research Group has posted Argument Mapping and Storytelling in Criminal Cases, on the VoxPopuLII Blog, published by the Legal Information Institute at Cornell University Law School. Dr. Bex’s post presents an innovative approach to organizing and analyzing criminal evidence. This new theory combines methods of argumentRead… Read more »

Project of the Week: YOUmedia (Chicago Public Library)

It’s National Library Week and in honor of that event, I posted another blog entitled “Libraries as Linchpins to #Gov20 and #OpenGov.” In addition, I wanted to highlight a sweet project in Chicago that uses libraries as connection point for kids to access the web, inspiring collaboration and creativity. Here’s a video and more infoRead… Read more »

Twitter stats, plus Flickr and the GovLoop effect

Short one: I’ve posted a blog on K-TOC reporting the data provided by Tweetreach, a way-cool application that takes a stab at quantifying the “reach” of a Twitter account. Visit us at K-TOC for the details, but here’s the juicy bits: Tweetreach estimates that our combined accounts generated about 100,000 impressions within an audience ofRead… Read more »

Acquia (Drupal) Launches Free Social Software Distribution Project to Compete Against Jive Software, Others

Acquia, the leading commercial support, training and Cloud Services organization around Drupal, has announced that there is a forthcoming open source distribution that will compete head on head with the likes of Jive Software, Telligent and others called Drupal Commons. This will be 100% free, open source and available to any who wish to useRead… Read more »

Announcing Manor.GovFresh

Coming August 2010: Manor will be host to Manor.GovFresh, a conference designed to help spark local government innovations. “Manor wants to help re-define what it means to have a conference. Conferences are traditionally centered around knowledge transfer, and we want to transfer immediate, tangible value to other communities like ours. We want to show otherRead… Read more »

High Availability Cloud is NOT the Answer

Cloud Computing providers, including the private sector and fee-for service public sector, are providing Government-specific infrastructure and platforms and are beginning to differentiate their services by providing pricing tiers proportional to availability SLAs. This trend appears to exploit the concept that mission-critical applications to be migrated to the Cloud have not properly considered Disaster RecoveryRead… Read more »

Blueprint for Winning Government Contracts for Small Businesses

Join a one-time-only, 12-week, 30-hour webinar starting May 12 that provides a complete system for defining strategy, finding opportunities, marketing, preparing for proposals through masterful capture, writing winning proposals, and winning multimillion dollar contracts to catapult the growth of your small business in the federal market. Unlike any other course, this webinar series takes youRead… Read more »