Yearly Archives: 2010

What’s the right size for YOUR organization & how do I get there? Find Out This Thursday Morning

This is one of the most important underlying questions of the day! Too large means wasted resources ($$$) in carrying excess capacity, staff & real estate; too small means wasted opportunities ($$$) because of insufficient resources to meet demand (do you see a trend here? Hint: it’s costing you $$$ either way). Optimal size isRead… Read more »

Apple vs. Android, iPad vs. Android Tablets

About a month ago I decided to renew my contract with AT&T and upgrade to the iPhone 4 after much loud and vocal discontent with both AT&T and the speed of my iPhone 3g after one of the OS updates. I have two key reasons why I decided to continue with Apple at this pointRead… Read more »

Friday Fab Five: Etiquette, Pay Freeze, Maxwell and More

Every Friday, we take a quick look back at the week and highlight members or moments that were especially awesome. Here’s who and what rocked it out this week. 5. The Most Commented Blog of the Week was Megan Price‘s Top 5 – Airport Etiquette. Megan has been traveling a lot lately and decided toRead… Read more »

Some Different Thinking around PSA Contests

PSA contests can produce some really interesting results and they can be innovative and creative in ways that the sponsoring organizations often can’t. Moreover, the user-generated messaging has the potential to resonate with target audiences much more effectively than with campaigns that are broader and more diffuse in their approach. With the recent establishment ofRead… Read more »

Webinar: Top Ways Government Can Increase Web Traffic with Video

From the Granicus Blog We know that many government agencies struggle to get citizens to their websites. Now there’s an easy way to get them there and keep them engaged: video! In today’s Web 2.0 world, video is a critical component to successful websites, people expect it. Think about it, how many websites have youRead… Read more »

Where’s The Payoff?

Bruce is a longtime friend and a now a blogger on Sales Lab Posts. He has a unique and useful way of looking at the world, read here, here, and here. We were celebrating his most recent post, when he said, “You know, I don’t feel anything when I post. When I make a greatRead… Read more »

Steve Ressler Visits the Maxwell School

Thanks to Professor Ines Mergel, my Public Organizations and Management Class had the opportunity to listen to a great presentation by GovLoop founder Steve Ressler. GovLoop is essentially a “Facebook for Feds,” it is a great social network that fosters collaboration for Government employees. Steve Ressler has been referred to as a Gov 2.0 “Rock-Star.”Read… Read more »

CFCNCA Keyworkers make things happen.

The CFCNCA is spotlighting Keyworkers who contribute to the success of the campaign. Meet Lisa DePaolo, one of the thousands of volunteers who are making a difference. Check out the profile of other Keyworkers at Lisa DePaoloIn her first year as a Keyworker, Lisa DePaolo of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) National InstituteRead… Read more »