Yearly Archives: 2010

ASPA Annual Conference Event: ASPA’s On the Move….

Today, April 10, 2010, I attended and participated in my first ASPA National Council Meeting. Today, I am proud to say that I served my constituents (ASPA’s Students and New Professionals) as a full voting member of the National Council—The Student Representative on National Council. President Elect, Meredith Newman, has stated throughout the conference thatRead… Read more »

ASPA Annual Conference Event:New Member and First Time Attendee Orientation-My Highlights

On April 10, 2010 I spoke about ways to get involved in ASPA in the New Member and First Time Attendee Orientation. Here are the highlights: Participate in your local chapter. Come to the ASPA Annual Conference and wear your ribbons (Student, First Time Attendee, New Member, etc…). Others will notice them and will approachRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 complementing 311

Some cities with 311 Call Centers might have the knee-jerk reaction of resisting open-data platforms like SeeClickFix, even though it offers more transparency and better user experience. Yet our experience has been that many cities are willing to experiment with combining the utility of both systems. Consider this recent case from Chattanooga, TN. A monthRead… Read more »

How Can The Nation Better Prepare for Biological Attack?

There is no single federal department, agency or position that has ultimate responsibility for securing America against a biological attack—it’s a task that is spread widely across our civil service and military. This network of emergency managers, medical personnel, logisticians and policy makers is critical, yet loosely coordinated. To help establish a unified vision, BioDefenseRead… Read more »

Washington DC is opening up its budgets, will you?

Sonny Hashmi, Deputy Chief Information Officer, OCFO at DC Government, sent me a note highlighting the new CFOInfo DC Dashboard, which is in Beta. This dashboard is exposing details of the District of Columbia’s budget to a degree I have never seen before, and making it easy for your average user to dig in andRead… Read more »

Is ‘The Fear’ fleeing local governments? Join #localgovchat tonight at 9 EST

Since starting #localgovchat last month, the biggest surprise to me has been the fear of social media – but not the type of fear I initially suspected. Sure, putting your agency out there publicly and openly can be a bit intimidating. I get that. We didn’t have that problem, but I get it. But IRead… Read more »