Yearly Archives: 2010

The Age Old Question

[Note that this is a cross post from my blog; it can be found here, it currently has 32 comments that are also worth reading.] Last week was a busy one for the Clerk of the Privy Council, Wayne Wouters. In addition to his regular duties he announced a new website, found his way onRead… Read more »

Former students, U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliarists from The College of William & Mary, carry on their lives of service

Originally posted at We enter this week’s installment of the “Spotlight on Leadership” campaign with a “why do you serve” post that is very close to my heart. I should actually say that this Monday I am taking the opportunity not to ask the question “why do you serve,” but rather to highlight threeRead… Read more »

Commentary from the Wiki Phase of the BetterBuyProject (Chris Hamm)

Originally published by Chris Hamm on the BetterBuyProject Blog. GSA FEDSIM has two BetterBuy pilots underway: and ClearPath. The experience so far has been interesting. On my end, there was a tremendous amount of uncertainty leading up to the launch. Will the wiki work? Will people know how to use it? Can the serverRead… Read more »

IRMCO analysis and report

My name is Tom Suder and I am with a company called Concert Technologies that does business in the Federal and Commercial market place. I am semi-notorious for being an insatiable networker. I attend many events and conferences in the general Fed IT space including those put on by AFCEA, AFFIRM, ACT/IAC, Fedscoop, DISA, ExecutiveRead… Read more »

The Federal Coach: When Michael Scott works for Uncle Sam

Despite the presence of outstanding leaders throughout our federal government, the bad ones have a disproportionate impact on government performance. Michael Scott may be television’s version of a bad boss on NBC’s The Office, but from what I hear, there are lots of leaders with similar failings roaming agency hallways. It may be funny toRead… Read more »

Is butting heads necessary to incite change?

Short answer – is it necessary – no. Some people are more creative when mental models are challenged, some just shut down. Head butting is probably overstating it, but respectful and constructive debate is useful. We need critical thinking and analysis, so we don’t end up with group think and head off down the wrongRead… Read more »

The Generational Divide in State Legislatures

Last Friday, I served on a panel at the National Conference of State Legislatures under the session title “Generational Divide.” Natalie O’Donnell Wood, Senior Policy Specialist for NCSL, kicked us off with a great presentation on her research regarding the experience of Boomers and Millennials in the environment of state legislatures: Then I shared someRead… Read more »

Peter Corbett on Social Marketing

Peter Corbett spoke at Joe Shumard’s Internet Implementation Forum at the Alexandria Chamber of Commerce. I think Peter is one of the smartest people I’ve heard on using social media. This isn’t his whole presentation, just the parts I like best. His company, iStrategy Labs is a “digital experiential marketing agency.” Google istrategylabs forRead… Read more »