Yearly Archives: 2010

Crowdsourcing: gathering information to support forest fire fightings

On the 29 of March, in Rome, an interesting workshop took place, organized by AIIC (Italian Association on Critical Infrastructures – workshop was attended by experts, corporates and national research centres representatives. The aim was to share projects, thoughts, approaches and solutions on how to manage the safety and security of critical infrastructures. TheRead… Read more »

Open Government IS Cultural Change

I recently delivered a training program for the U.S. Intelligence Community on how to effectively transfer knowledge. This program was delivered during the period of time when the Intelligence Community was migrating from the Cold War mentality of “need to know” to the 21st century mentality of “need to share.” Government as a whole isRead… Read more »

GISC’s Social Media Roundtable

On Thursday, 25 March, I attended a gathering of civilian, military, and contractor personnel to discuss social networking/social media with two government representatives and two interns from STRATCOM’s Global Innovation and Strategy Center (GISC). The objective of the GISC is to assess the value of Internet-based Capabilities (IbC) to military operations. The project started inRead… Read more »

Space is the Place – NASA on Gov 2.0 Radio

If you’re looking for a glimpse into how earthpeople and their governments are evolving, what better way then to check into NASA’s two April appearances on Gov 2.0 Radio. This month, we’ll go coast to coast with conversation with Beth Beck about NASA’s social media initiatives, and Gretchen Curtis on the space agency’s pioneering cloudRead… Read more »

Movie of the Week, The Final Four, The Frozen Four… all from the Hokie Guru, Govloop’s Bureaucratic Eye on Sports and Entertainment

Movie of the Week See this movie… now!! Hot Tub Time Machine is the Hokie Guru’s favorite movie of the spring and maybe the summer. Hola!! Good morning… what a glorious day in the Washington metro area 🙂 We’re getting close to the end of the Govloop Bracket Challenge. Going into the last weekend ofRead… Read more »

Listen to the Federal News Radio Book Club re DRIVE

If you happened to miss the Federal News Radio Book Club “meeting” about Daniel Pink’s thoughtful book, DRIVE: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us… You can listen online… A special thanks our discussion group… author Daniel Pink… Tim McManus from the Partnership for Public Service… Mr. Govloop himself Steve Ressler… and my co-anchor, AmyRead… Read more »

Free Webinar April 7 – “12 Ways to Fill Your Pipeline and Find Opportunities to Win Government Contracts”

Join me for a Free One-Hour Webinar on Wednesday, April 7 at 4 PM Eastern • Do you rely on FedBizOpps to find government contracting opportunities?• Or, perhaps, you are more sophisticated and use a paid pipeline tool such as INPUT, Centurion Compass, or Onvia – and an occasional “marketing” visit to your government customersRead… Read more »