Yearly Archives: 2010

Cleaning Up All Dumping & Graffiti in SF in 1 Day

You may have heard the story of how on May 3, 2008, 40,000 volunteers picked up all the trash in the country of Estonia. Since then, similar “Let’s Do It” actions have been organized from Bangalore to New Dehli. In the U.S., there’s been a lot of action around technology and government, and conferences withRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Roundup (April 2 Edition)

The White House goes mobile, DHS connects first responders online, Minnesota’s governor hosts the first Facebook town hall forum, and state parks and recreation services connect the outdoors with the social media environment, all in this week’s version of the Rock Creek Roundup. –Earlier today, the White House announced that the website is nowRead… Read more »

The Government and Social Networking

I have two questions: 1. How does the government feel about their employees using social networks while on the job; and 2. How does the government feel about their employees using social networks all together and having their personal information out there (where they work, what they do, etc.)? I am a student working onRead… Read more »

Kit Kat and Government Social Media – Lessons from the Nestle’ vs. Greenpeace debacle

If you follow the social media and PR news cycle you have probably heard by now about the mess Nestle’ has found itself in on its Facebook page while dealing with a coordinated campaign by Greenpeace against its use of palm oil in its products. There is already a host of blog posts and articlesRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Pentagon security revamped after shooting

Pentagon security officials announced new security measures Thursday that include more random screening of visitors and Defense Department workers, a wider security perimeter and more lighting around the building’s main entrance, following a shooting there last month that left the gunman dead and two police officers injured. The changes will be most noticeable at theRead… Read more »

Invite our customers in – at their convenience

Lunched with Mom and daughter today. We have Ladies Lunches, when all three generations of us females go out to lunch together and share sandwiches, cake and giggles. We met Mom at the mall and she looked rather harassed. She sighed, “I have this letter from the Council about my refuse collection and I don’tRead… Read more »

Free Webinar April 7 – “12 Ways to Fill Your Pipeline and Find Opportunities to Win Government Contracts”

Free Webinar April 7 – “12 Ways to Fill Your Pipeline and Find Opportunities to Win Government Contracts” Join me for a Free One-Hour Webinar on Wednesday, April 7 at 4 PM Eastern • Do you rely on FedBizOpps to find government contracting opportunities?• Or, perhaps, you are more sophisticated and use a paid pipelineRead… Read more »

Biggest Reasons Public Servants don’t Crowdsource

One of the things that we do that we believe is a best practice in our engagements is ask our partners to do two surveys at the conclusion of a campaign; one about us and one about them. It is always interesting to see the results and, certainly, helps everyone to improve what may beRead… Read more »

April shines a “Spotlight on Leadership”

Original post from found at The “Spotlight on Leadership Campaign” runs each April in the U.S. Coast Guard. Though the campaign is USCG-specific,the themes are nearly universally applicable in business, government, non-profits, or anywhere else you work and serve. I hope that Coasties and non-Coasties alike who read this blog will take theRead… Read more »