Yearly Archives: 2010


The Mayor of Topeka KS said he would rename the city “Google” if they won a super broadband Google project for the city. Hasn’t been decided yet, but if you go to Google today (April1) You will see the search engine presented is “Topeka” Check it out!

Open Formats and Open Source for Better Government

The Government of Canada is currently reliant on proprietary file formats and proprietary software applications, which lock it into a licensing bind with a single software manufacturer — Microsoft. There is not only a question of cost — as we pay a monopoly corporation for per-seat licenses to run software that already dominates the marketRead… Read more »

DRIVE-BY SHOOTING, ANOTHER TRAGIC EXAMPLE OF D.C. DYRS FAILURES (WASHINGTON) – In response to one of the deadliest outbreaks of violence in the District of Columbia in years, the American Federation of Government Employees, today, renewed its call to fix the city’s fractured Department of Youth and Rehabilitation Services (DYRS) agency. On Tuesday, March 30, slightly after dusk a crowd of neighbors becameRead… Read more »

“INSIDE GOVERNMENT” TO EXAMINE SHORTCOMINGS AT DEPARTMENT OF YOUTH REHABILITATION SERVICES AFGE Activists also to Discuss Widespread Staffing Needs, Collective Bargaining, and Privatization on AFGE Radio Show WASHINGTON—The dire need for reform at the District’s Department of Youth Rehabilitation Services (DYRS) will be discussed this week on the American Federation of Government Employees’ (AFGE) “Inside Government” radio show. The show will air on Friday, AprilRead… Read more »

Privacy News Highlights – March 27th Week

Great Privacy News Highlights 22–31 March 2010 Contents: US – New U.S. Biometrics Agency Created to Manage Dod-Wide Responsibilities. 3 US – New Hampshire Lawmakers Reject Biometric ID Restrictions. 3 CA – Alberta Ponders Provincial Biometric ID Cards for Homeless. 3 CA – New BC Gov’t Powers Raise Privacy Concerns. 4 CA – B.C. DatabaseRead… Read more »

GovLoop Advisory Board #4 – Steve Kelman

I mentioned earlier this week, we are launching a GovLoop Advisory Board to help us make GovLoop more awesome. For more information, click here.#1 – Craig Newmark, Founder of Craigslist#2 – Bill Bott, former Missouri Deputy CIO#3 – Anthony Williams, Consultant and Best-Selling co-Author of WikinomicsAnd drum roll for Day 4, please…it’s Steve Kelman, HarvardRead… Read more »

Opening Up GovLoop So More Awesomeness

What if more government rockstars could find and join GovLoop? That’s the question I’ve been mulling over the past few months. You’ve probably seen the forum and blog posts from Community Manager Andy K: Should OpenGov Spark OpenGovLoop? Open GovLoop? You Decide. Your response was overwhelmingly positive to this idea of “opening GovLoop.” I wouldRead… Read more »