Yearly Archives: 2010

eGov2.0 conference in Russia

On November 26 we had the first e-government conference taken in Moscow. This is the first event which is case-study based, the best practices were demonstrated there. The total number of participants: 273 persons, 80% are authorities’ officials and 20% are experts. There were 52 reports made on the next subjects: Providing of electronic publicRead… Read more »

Military transition: Career choices

A post by Patra Frame, ClearedJobs.Net’s career strategist So there you are, trying to figure out what jobs in the civilian world will be worthwhile. And here I am, regularly talking success stories and research…. With all the potential careers available, how do you start to choose? First steps are to think about what yourRead… Read more »

Top 5 – Airport Etiquette

Please Note: This post is an oldie but a goodie that we’ve brought back for your conversational enjoyment! ************************************************************************************************************************************************** Holiday travel is in full effect and after traveling through 15 airports this fall for the GovUp tour I was obligated to face my traveling pet peeves. In every airport it amazed me how impatient weRead… Read more »

Open Gov and Gov 2.0 are Just Part of a Bigger Movement

This is in response to Lucas Cioffi’s question on whether there is a difference between Gov 2.0 and Open Gov. I wrote a short response to his blog posting but I wanted to expand on my answer because I believe that there is a bigger movement than just Open Gov or Gov 2.0. This biggerRead… Read more »

FTC “Do Not Track?” Bring it on …

Web Analytics Rock Star Eric Peterson writes: As the hubub around consumer privacy continues I was gently prodded by a friend to pipe up in the conversation. While my feelings about how we have ended up in this position are pretty clear, and while my partner John and I have proposed what we believe isRead… Read more »