Yearly Archives: 2010

2010 Census: The Millions of Details

Originally published on The Director’s Blog I am continually impressed with the number of simultaneously moving parts in the big machine that is the 2010 Census. There are few organizations preparing to have a once-in-a-decade contact within a very short period of time with over 130 million households in the country. We have a massiveRead… Read more »

2010 Census: The Next Reminder

Originally published on the The Director’s Blog The 2010 Census forms are being delivered by the US Postal Service Monday-Wednesday or so throughout the country. This will be the second mailing to about 120 million households from the Census Bureau. We sent last week an advance letter, which is state-of-the-art practice in survey research. TheRead… Read more »

Julie Perlmutter – Channeling Ada

Today (March 24, 2010) is Ada Lovelace Day, a global celebration honoring women in technology. This is the second year for the event, which is celebrated by blogging about your favorite woman in technology.My favorite, is Julie Perlmutter, who introduces thousands of people to new technology with her Web Managers Roundtable. She enjoys the tribeRead… Read more »

Moving from Attention to Engagement to Participation – More World of GovCraft

Continuing my thinking on the World of GovCraft, I’ve started to think about what the real challenge is for government, various comments suggested that Government is so disconnected that it is unlikely that we will start to bridge the gap. But i’m starting to wonder whether this just an illusion and we are only creatingRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Eye Opener: Snow days cost government $71M

Happy Wednesday! Last month’s snow days that kept the federal government closed for almost a week cost taxpayers much less than initially feared. The government lost $71,074,495 worth of productivity for each snow day, according to updated estimates released Tuesday by the Office of Personnel Management. The figure dropped from an estimated $100 million becauseRead… Read more »

Experiences of a USAF civilian management analyst

INTRODUCTION Meyer Moldeven (Mike) 3/23/10 (I’ve posted several of my articles and blogs online since I retired based on my gov’t experiences hoping that content might be useful to others (military and civilian) in gov’t service. I’ll be responsive to questions as best I can. Mike) ~~~ I am 92 years old, retired in 1974Read… Read more »

It is the check-in, not the location, that matters most

David Carr of the Wall Street Journal wrote a good article ( on geo-social services a couple of days ago. In this article he highlights a point I have tried to make for some time now: ‘“The check-in is bigger than location,” said Yancey Strickler of Kickstarter, a Web site that helps with fund-raising forRead… Read more »