Yearly Archives: 2010

Steve Pegram, Emergency Manager and USCG Auxiliarist, answers the question “Why do you serve?”

Steve Pegram is a Certified Emergency Manager (CEM), Coast Guard Auxiliary Aviator, and currently serves as Chief of the USCG Auxiliary Incident Management Systems Branch while serving with me in the USCG Auxiliary University Programs Branch. In his “day job,” Steve is “Senior Client Consultant for Crisis Communications & Operational Integration” at a great companyRead… Read more »

Winners – Third Annual Citizen Service Award

GSA’s Office of Citizen Services is pleased to announce the winners of the Third Annual Citizen Service Award. Federal Student Aid Information Center, U.S. Department of Education TV Converter Box Coupon Program, National Telecommunications and Information Administration, Department of Commerce Child Welfare Information Gateway, Administration on Children, Youth and Families, U.S. Department of Health andRead… Read more »

“People don’t want more information, they want the minimum information they need to understand a topic.”

(Matt Thompson quoted on Twitter) I Googled Matt and found this quote, “Time to stop breaking the news and start fixing it.” What I learned from his sites: Time is just one way to measure news, and newspapers lose to electronic media if timeliness is the standard. However, another perspective for news is context orRead… Read more »

BCFP (nee CFPA) – arguments against

Well, speaking at the American Bankers Association may fall down the list of good ideas for opponents of the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection – I know you must remember your audience, but when it’s picked up by others, the arguments can fall flat. See a rebuttal at Credit Slips to Sen. Shelby’s argument thatRead… Read more »