Yearly Archives: 2010

“Go! GovLoop for New Members”…& Old Pros!

Those who’ve been around for a while may have heard my story about coming up to speed on GovLoop and what I learned in the process (an early blog about it here). Seeking help, I reached out to Steve Ressler, who suggested doing a few basic things to get connected. Adriel Hampton, was also supportive.Read… Read more »


DAU has wonderful online courses – they’re the best I’ve taken so far. However, DAU has amazing features that are underused. These tools go beyond the classroom and promote memory retention and post-classroom learning. Awareness of and utilizing these DAU resources will improve your acquisition knowledge. (NOTE: if DAU sites say your or the site’sRead… Read more »

DoD Social Media Policy

Just Released: Official DoD Social Media Policy to “provide access to Internet-based capabilities” So basically, it’s now official that DoD folks can access Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, etc. and establish official presences on these websites. What to expect: CIO: Will provide implementation guidance. After all, there is some tech involved in the proper use ofRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Eye Opener: Congressional delay forces DOT furloughs

Happy Monday! Federal funding for major road construction projects and national anti-drunk driving campaigns dried up Sunday night amid Congressional gridlock. Lawmakers failed to reach agreement last week on tax credits, unemployment insurance for roughly 400,000 Americans and a short-term extension of the Highway Trust Fund. Sen. Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.) said Sunday that he expectsRead… Read more »

The Women’s Conference 2010 – Feb Giveaway ends tonight!

From @mariashriver: Our February Giveaway ends tonight! Win 2 tix to The Women’s Conference 2010 and chance to interview Jillian Michaels. Below is my submission: 🙂 ———– The Great Giveaway: Who would you like to invite for brunch? I would like to have all of the members of #RusTechDel to brunch: Co-led byRead… Read more »

Request for Comments: National / California Inventory of Legal Materials

A request for comments on an inventory of California legal information — a prototype for the National Inventory of Legal Materials and a component of the legal open government data project — has been issued by Erika Wayne, one of the coordinators of the National Inventory, and Deputy Director of the Stanford University LawRead… Read more »

Twitterati – Who are your most influential followers and why?

Building on the recent list of Top 10 (more like Top 100) Gov’t Twitters to follow: Who is your most influential follower and why? Who retweets your tweets most often? Which follower has the most followers? ETC. How do we measure success on Twitter in general? Broad outreach, targeted marketing, impact, etc.? Here’s myRead… Read more »

How-To: Tips for Building a Collaborative Environment

After completing the February Open Government Directive Workshop, we realized that it’s much easier to think about collaboration and build collaborative practices into an agency’s open government plan it’s done in a collaborative environment. (Final results of the teams’ collaborations are posted at the top of the OpenGov Playbook and the teams offer great suggestionsRead… Read more »