Yearly Archives: 2010

Collaboration tools saved 5 state parks, can it help your business or agency?

I was impressed when I read Nancy’s post on GovLoop detailing how social media saved five state parks in Virginia, a cost of $500,000 per year ( I was so impressed with what I read that I wanted to follow-up with Nancy to better understand the original thinking behind these social efforts, the cost, andRead… Read more »

Telecom Aid in Haiti

I had the pleasure recently of interviewing Paul Margie (here’s the interview) of Telecoms Without Borders, on his recent trip to Haiti, where they provided much-needed phone calls between survivors and their families both in Haiti and here in the United States. A very cool use of telecom technology and logistical expertise at work inRead… Read more »

The Obama Administration’s IT Budget

Washington has no shortage of rituals, but few seem to draw more commotion or are parsed for deeper meaning than the annual unveiling of the president’s budget. Now that the budget documents are electronically certified and made available online, the traditional release of freshly bound tomes at the Government Printing Office before a phalanx ofRead… Read more »

Archiving Social Media – Comprehensive Resources on GovLoop and Beyond

Earlier today, I saw this tweet from GovLoop Founder Steve Ressler: So I did a quick search of GovLoop and found a TON of content and conversations (see below). Also, I started creating a GovLoop Guide on Archiving. Want to help me finish it? Send me a message. GOVLOOP RESOURCES >>>BLOGS • Email, records, content,Read… Read more »

Crowdsourcing DNA – Realizing that each engagement has its own footprint

First, the definition that we have at PubliVate of crowdsourcing can be narrow in comparison to how others use the term. The story I read and am referencing and talking about below would not necessarily be something that we see a lot of in our engagements, as of yet. But…we certainly consider that it isRead… Read more »

US Health Care: Why Privatization Is Inefficient – Part 4 of 4

Arguments Against Universality It is often argued that socialized medicine in the US would introduce a wealth of problems, worse than those currently faced. Government is often regarded as wasteful, rigid and out of touch with the real needs of its citizens. In comparison, private management of health care is often portrayed as offering increasedRead… Read more »

The Best Question…Ever!

The best way to present new information is a story. The best way to get a listener to focus on your story is to start with a question. Did you ever feel your body lurch to answer when someone asked a good question? In direct mail, a proven start is the “Passover Opening” from “WhyRead… Read more »

Thoughts from Microsoft US Public Sector Summit

Live-blogging checking out MS US Public Sector CIO Summit. Will continue to update. Some cool stuff: Big fan of the tablet – demoing had tablets used with photographs especially for special ed children. Always like multi-touch. Lots of focus on the cloud – Really seems the big push these days. Trends – Do more withRead… Read more »