Yearly Archives: 2010

The HR-IT Imperative: What Every HR Professional Needs to Know About Using IT to Deliver HR Success

Please come join Tri Tuns at the International Public Management Association for Human Resources (IMPA-HR) conference in Takoma Park, MD where Jason Whitehead & Phil Power will present an exciting program, ““The HR-IT Imperative: What Every HR Professional Needs to Know About Using IT to Deliver HR Success”. SHORT DESCRIPTION Many organizations today are tryingRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: VA anticipates hiring 105,000 by end of 2011

If you’ve watched the Olympics or other big events on television in recent weeks, then you’ve likely seen ads with doctors and nurses talking about careers with the Department of Veterans Affairs. The department plans to hire a mix of medical professionals and clerical staffers to fill roughly 105,000 positions by the end of 2011.Read… Read more »

Federal Eye: AFGE union files to become rep for TSA workers

By The Post’s Joe Davidson: Taking the battle over airport security officers to the next level, the American Federation of Government Employees announced Monday that it is filing a petition seeking an election to represent the workers. The petition to the Federal Labor Relations Authority is an escalation in the long battle over collective bargainingRead… Read more »

US Health Care: Why Privatization Is Inefficient – Part 3 of 4

The Industry of Illness It is a reality of our time that the same companies promoting health care products are also largely responsible for underwriting their research. Skepticism about this model of business has led to pharmacoeconomic studies of the popular antidepressants, which demonstrate a clear association between study sponsorship and quantitative outcome (Baker etRead… Read more »

Co-creation, ideation, and other -ations at the federal government level

I had the pleasure of participating on Government 2.0 radio last night, chatting about collaboration, innovation and social media in Government ( One of the most interesting items we discussed was the Federal Agency Ideascale Dashboard (, which you should check out regardless of your interest in government 2.0 initatives. Here is why: * ThisRead… Read more »