Yearly Archives: 2010

National Export Initiative: Boon for US Exporters

President Obama’s State of the Union address last month yielded a windfall for those companies who earn their way in foreign trade, and for those federal agencies who support their cause. The goals of our new National Export Initiative include doubling American exports over the next five years and supporting up to two million jobsRead… Read more »

How-To: Build Awesome Apps With APIs of Gov’t Data

I asked the awesome team if there were any lessons learned from their experience building a cool from gov’t data. Things agencies and developers should be watching. 4 Lessons: 1 – Use platforms that have APIs – We used the Ideascale API ( Really the major lesson is for government to use platforms whichRead… Read more »

10 Reasons to Attend WIRe Conference 2010

10. This conference set the bar for Enterprise 2.0 for Government in the third year of its existence in 2008. 9. While we are at it, it set the bar for Government 2.0 events as well. 8. The speakers are not the same people you see all the time on the Government circuit. 7. TheRead… Read more »

Open Gov and Persistent Cookies

Over the past year we have engaged in discussions around open government, and the possibility of government sites being granted access to utilizing persistent cookies. There could be lack of trust from citizens, thinking that persistent cookies are just a way to track what you’re doing. But they can also be used to make yourRead… Read more »

How-To: Get Re-Tweeted

This will be my shortest blog post ever. Because it’s about Twitter. And you don’t have much space to say something important. So here’s a quick tip that I believe is the foundation for re-tweetification: Structure tweets in such a way that you leave at least 10-15 characters for an RT, HT or “via” plusRead… Read more »

Meet Sam: a Cleared Job Fair job seeker with an active security clearance seeking new career opportunities

Meet Sam. Sam is a security cleared job seeker living in Northern Viginia who has attended numerous job fairs beyond our own in the past 15 months. When we met him at our past Cleared Job Fair on January 21, 2010 at the Westin Dulles, Sam was one of the very first job seekers toRead… Read more »

But we’re Facebook Friends, don’t You Trust Me?

I found this great little article though a Linkedin group I belong to on the decline of trust across news and information sources, including social media. Right off the bat as I read, “The Social Impact of Friendships and Lies” I thought to myself: is trust in social media breaking down, or are we gettingRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Regulate this!

Happy Wednesday! The Obama administration made it a little easier to track the federal rulemaking process on Tuesday with the launch of a new Web site. Users can now track proposed changes to government policy by visiting the redesigned, yet another “Dashboard” built by the Office of Management and Budget to display government informationRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: OPM to agency bosses: Patience please

As federal offices in the Washington region return to normal status on Wednesday, the Office of Personnel Management has asked agency bosses for patience and understanding as workers balance tough commutes, kids in and out of school and backlogged workloads after the recent snowstorms. “As we return to normal operations tomorrow, please convey to yourRead… Read more »

Project of the Week: Washington State’s GMAP

“Bottom Line: No state in the nation is better at developing and sharing information than Washington.” – Governing Magazine, “Grading the States,” 2008 As government at every level is releasing raw datasets as part of the Open Government Initiative, one of the key questions being asked is, “So what do we do with all thisRead… Read more »