Yearly Archives: 2010

Army Career Resume Writer Not Responsive

Hi, I was working on USA Jobs over the snow break. I had seen some nice civilian positions for the Army Corp of Engineers. I have e-mail them 4 times during last week. I have only received their auto response. I called a few times yet their voice mail box still full. Now, I willRead… Read more »

Network Competency—an Integrated Business Framework for Gov 2.0 [1}

Gov 2.0 is fundamentally about leveraging the power of networks – not on Pandora but on planet earth. As on Pandora, an understanding and competency of how, when, and why networks work is the key to success. Whether those networks involve outward facing citizen involvement, internal facing employee involvement or both – behavioral understanding isRead… Read more »

Busting the Filibuster

A growing public anti-incumbent sentiment (according to most national polls), towards the current Administration, may be symptomatic of the effectiveness the opposition is having in using filibusters to effectively paralyze the Senate; derail Democratic initiatives, including healthcare reform, financial regulation, and the confirmation of Administration’s political nominees. Attorney and writer Thomas Geoghegan provides an insightfulRead… Read more »

Greater Transparency in Government link to Citizen Trust

Today we released our inaugural E-Government Transparency Index. You can download the report for free on our website and read about it on NextGov. For years we have measured satisfaction of government web sites using the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) methodolgy which has been the “Gold Standard” in the federal government since the lateRead… Read more » Upcoming Events

Here are upcoming events in connection with the legal open government data project: February 24, 2010: Roundtable at Yale Law School, for members of the Yale Law School community, with Tom Bruce and Carl Malamud; February 24, 2010: Liberating Legal Information: The Law.Gov Movement: Panel Discussion at New York Law School; February 25, 2010:Read… Read more »

US Health Care: Why Privatization Is Inefficient – Part 2 of 4

Spending More, Getting Less — The Public System Because of their identity as government programs, societal scepticism about the US government’s ability to manage efficiently, and the relative reduction of power and status allotted to the primary recipients of public health care (the poor and elderly), Medicare and Medicaid are often the target of spendingRead… Read more »

How-To: Not Dress – the 4 B’s

Lady Di speaks up!!! In an earlier blog I discussed the three B’s of dress at work. I stated that organizations did not want employees exposing the three Bs (boobs, belly and butt) at work. While there is no Federal dress code, there are some definite no-nos. Today, I am adding the fourth B whichRead… Read more »

Building Better Blog Posts

Just read a great blog post on “It’s A COBOL World” called “A Customer Visit” by an old friend. “It’s a COBOL World” is about COBOL, the workhorse of business computer processing, and the team of writers on the blog are passionate about getting more out of the code. “A Customer Visit” addressed people’s attitudesRead… Read more »