Yearly Archives: 2010

Happy President’s Day- Who are your top 5 Presidents

Make a list (doesn’t have to be in order), a short (I said short) justification is good. Cannot include any in the last 20 years (history has not written the book on them yet). Washington- There should be no argument here Jefferson- For his record, also one of the few times in history when thereRead… Read more »

Politics and technology reporter Kim Hart on the telecom battles in Washington this year.

Thought GovLoop fans might be interested in this TechView interview I did with Kim Hart recently back. Kim used to cover technology and government for the Washington Post, but has recently moved over to cover technology and Washington for The Hill a D.C.-based newspaper (with on-line updates) that covers politics. She gives you a senseRead… Read more »

Government social networks – comparative analysis

In the last two years we’ve seen an uprecedented growth of Gov2.0. One of the most vivid expressions of the collaboration and sharing by governments through the tools of Web 2.0 were social networks of government employees and communities. I am talking about special type of government network that are open for all Internet-users, andRead… Read more »

US Health Care: Why Privatization Is Inefficient – Part 1 of 4

As I write this, the Obama Administration is still pushing for a major overhaul to the American health care system — a plan with with an uncertain future since the Democrats lost their Senate vote last month. As a Canadian who lived and worked in the United States for a number of years, I considerRead… Read more »

Feds eye operating status as more snow approaches

By Dorothy Ramienski Internet Editor Federal News Radio A federal holiday meant that most federal employees didn’t have to work on Monday, Feb. 15, but after <<a href=”″>” target=”_blank”>Friday’s horrific commute and weather forecasts calling for more snow, many feds have already grown concerned about the government’s operating status for Tuesday, Feb. 16. The OfficeRead… Read more »

A fundemental problem in introducing new technology and business change

On my Capgemini Blog someone posted a very insightful comment recently; “If you are a carpenter with a traditional saw and you buy a motor powered bench saw (new technology) then you had better change the way you work because lifting up the new bench saw and taking it to the wood certainly isn’tRead… Read more »

Oversight of Contracting Needs To Be Overhauled In Rebuilding Efforts

From The Acquisition Corner As the devastation unfolds in the aftermath of the earthquake in Haiti, it is clear that rebuilding the country will be one of the greatest nation-building exercises ever undertaken. To that end, federal agencies have started turning to contractors to support the missions of recovery and relief, and ultimately, reconstruction. WhatRead… Read more »

Google: Friend or Foe of Government 2.0?

[Note: cross-posted from; also there are some good comments worth checking out on the website directly] [Warning, long post ahead …] Like any writer, I try to explain the general context around which I am writing and conclude with an argument based on that explanation. This article started getting away from me in termsRead… Read more »

As the government increases its hires, this will be a great group to add to your list of contacts – Young Government Leaders (YGL)

As the government increases its hires, this will be a great group to add to your list of contacts – Young Government Leaders (YGL). YGL is a professional organization of men and women employed by the government who are “young” in their service and/or “fresh” in their perspective. Our mission is to educate, inspire, andRead… Read more »